GreeneStreet Films International has closed a deal with distributor Alamode forGerman rights to Sally Potter's Yes, which screened in Panorama duringthe Berlinale.

GreeneStreet's Cedric Jeanson has closed a host of deals on the film on the back ofthe Berlin screenings including with Lumiere in Brazil and Roadshow in Greece,following earlier deals with Gaga in Japan, RCV in Benelux and Svensk inScandinavia. A UK deal is in the process of being negotiated before the end ofBerlin.

"Ithink it's a very intelligent film and one of the most beautiful I've seen inBerlin," Alamode chief executive Fabien Arseguel said. "I'm veryoptimistic about the theatrical release in Germany and think we will go out on30 or 40 prints."

Arseguelhas a separate partnership with Paris-based Celluloid Dreams in distributionventure Celluloid Dreams Germany which is likely to kick off with ToddSolondz's Palindromes and Jun Ichikawa's Tony Takitani.

Yes, which stars Joan Allen and Sam Neill, will be released in the USby Sony Pictures Classics on June 24.