UK-based production company Power has optioned the film and TV rights to Anthony Lappe's graphic novel Shooting War, which is illustrated by Dan Goldman.

The book, published by Grand Central in the US and Wiedenfeld & Nicolson in the UK, is a near-future political thriller/dark satire about a blogger trying to cover the war on terror.

The deal was negotiated by Brendan Deneen of Objective Entertainment and Luke Speed of Marjacq on behalf of Ian Kleinert at Objective Entertainment, who originally sold the book to Executive Editor Jaime Levine at Grand Central.

The project is in development now.

Lappe said: 'I originally conceived Shooting War as a film so I'm very excited to have it come full circle. I really respect the kind of material Power develops and produces, and am excited to work with them in bringing Shooting War to life.'

Power made the move from TV into features with Flood last year.