One-stopproduction services company Hollywood South Productions (HSP) launches inLouisiana today [April 27], aiming to boost in-state production with a range ofadvisory and training services including tax credit management.
Headed up bychief executive officer Lonny Kaufman, president and filmmaker Chris Fink, andchief financial officer Ralph L Fletcher, HSP has partnered with LosAngeles-based lighting and grip equipment rental company Hollywood Rentals.
Both companieswill have offices in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and HSP is planning an additionaloffice in Beverly Hills.
"We understoodthat some producers want to come here but have big questions about howproduction and tax credits would work out for them," Fink said in a statement.
"By providingproducers with up to 20% or more of their budget through tax credits andhandling all the details of filming in Louisiana, we've made the Big Easyeasier."
"By bringingHollywood Rentals to the state, Hollywood South Productions also takes a bigstep forward for the private sector in helping to fill the voids in theinfrastructure," Mark Smith, entertainment cluster director for the State ofLouisiana, said.
"Establishingprofessional film companies like this in the state will generate more jobs,more businesses and keep more production spending in the state."
HSP is currentlyin talks on a range of projects budgeted from $6m-$20m, and has developed anetwork of alliances with local companies and established industry companiesincluding Film Finances for completion bonds, and Media Services forentertainment industry payroll.
The company willoffer an internship on every picture produced through the fund and isdeveloping a training curriculum with educational institutions in Louisiana.
In addition HSPis putting together a $20m production fund to make critically and commerciallyviable pictures, with Fink preparing to direct thriller The Haven, which CAA is packaging. Fink'sdirecting credits include Moving August starring Sarah Wynter and Josh Holloway.
Kaufmanpreviously worked with the state on drafting the tax credit laws that HSP sayshas led to a boom in Louisiana film production, rising from a state-wide $30mproduction spend in 2002 to more than $400m in 2004.
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