The film will be called Growing Up Graceland based on David E Stanley and Dr David Gruder’s book Conversations With The King: Journals Of A Young Apprentice.
Growing Up Graceland charts Stanley’s 17-year spiritual journey with Presley, his step-brother and mentor. Stanley moved into Graceland when he was four and the iconic performer quickly became his father figure and mentor.
BiteSize’s feature film production arm led by Gene Kirkwood and Ross Elliot will produce.
Bitesize is currently working with Director Rob Cohen on an action franchise based on the life of Sir Isaac Newton. The roster includes a feature about disgraced former News International head Rebekah Brooks and Noel Coward dramedy Mad Dogs And Englishmen to star Colin Firth.
The vertically integrated company is based in Los Angeles with satellite production offices in New York, Miami, and London and a technology center in San Francisco.
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