The filmmaker (pictured) is lining up an untitled drama with his Sundance special jury prize-winning actor alongside Guy Pearce and Amy Ryan. Indian Paintbrush is financing the project.
Production is scheduled to begin in August. While plot details on the original screenplay remain under wraps, it is understood the story centres on the nature of love and marriage.
Jonathan Schwartz and Andrea Sperling of Super Crispy Entertainment are producing with Indian Paintbrush’s Steven Rales and Mark Roybal.
Indian Paintbrush co-acquired Doremus’ Like Crazy with Paramount at Sundance and the parties have set an autumn release.
Indian Paintbrush’s Peter McPartlin, Doremus’ attorney Larry Kopeikin and UTA’s Rich Klubeck and David Flynn negotiated the deal.
UTA represents Doremus, while CAA represents Pearce and Jones, who is also handled by Independent Talent in London and attorney Jodi Peikoff. Ryan is represented by The Gersh Agency and Attorney Dave Feldman.
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