Sam Taylor and Mike Downey of F&ME Entertainment are teaming with David Marlow of SilverLight Productions to produce Mercy Street, based on an original screenplay by Peter Miligan.
The script has been co-written by Keith English who will also direct the film, his first feature, about a traumatised ex soldier who seeks revenge against a celebrity chef. English’s background is in commercials.
Casting is currently taking place in London, with the production dates and initial casting and finance to be announced in Cannes.
“We have had the itch to do an edgy contemporary London based thriller for a number of years,” said F&ME co-principal Mike Downey. “And it’s great that something with as much contemporary resonance as Mercy Street will scratch that itch. Keith is a tremendous talent and we are looking forward to getting him behind the camera later in the year and to revisiting London via his acute and original eye.”
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