Fox International Productions has named Michael Andreen svp of production, effective August 1.
The appointment marks Andreen’s second return to the studio, having previously served in various creative production capacities on Master and Commander and The Day After Tomorrow, among others.
He most recently worked at Narratology as a consultant to Chinese media companies and funds.
Career credits include senior positions at Walt Disney Studios, Warner Independent Pictures, Sidney Kimmel Entertainment Films and LeVision Pictures US.
“Jim [Gianopulos, Fox Filmed Entertainment chairman] and Sanford [Panitch, FIP president] have built the best international production unit in our business,” said Andreen. It’s a privilege but also a great pleasure to join the team and build on that success.”
“Michael’s unique and extensive experience as a producer and executive in international production, will be invaluable to our continuing expansion and strategic goals going forward in one of the most dynamic areas of our business,” said Panitch.
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