Working Title and Kris Thykier to produce script from One Man, Two Guvnors writer Richard Bean.
James Cordon has signed on to star in Working Title’s Christmas comedy School for Santas, produced with Kris Thykier, and written by One Man, Two Guvnors’ Richard Bean.
The film, set to shoot in New York and London in 2013, will follow a down-on-his luck dad who needs to find his inner Father Christmas to win back his kids
School for Santas reunites Corden, who is currently shooting David Frankel’s One Chance, with Bean following their award-winning Broadway and West End success with One Man, Two Guvnors.
Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner of Working Title have Edgar Wright’s The World’s End and Hossein Amini’s The Two Faces of January in production. Thykier is currently shooting Frankel’s One Chance and was producer on upcoming I Give It A Year for Working Title Films.
Corden said: “All my life I’ve wanted to make a big family Christmas movie. To be making one with a company like Working Title Films is a dream come true. Re-teaming with Richard Bean and Kris Thykier is like all my Christmas’s have come at once. I can’t wait to start.”
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