A film based on the true story of writer PG Wodehouse is set to begin production in spring 2012 in Germany, France and the UK.
Il Postino director Michael Radford is to direct Wodehouse’s War, based on the real-life experiences of writer PG Wodehouse.
The creator of the Jeeves & Wooster short stories, PG Wodehouse was accused of being a traitor during the Second World War after making light hearted radio broadcasts from Nazi Germany, and never returned to the UK.
Radford, who was nominated for a best director for the 1994 film Il Postino, will direct from a script by UK writer Phil Stagg.
Richard Johns and Rupert Jermyn of Corona Pictures are producing together with Olav Wyper of SMA Talent, with production slated for spring 2012 in Germany, France and the UK.
Corona Pictures has recently completed psychological thriller feature Truth or Dare, directed by Robert Heath.
Radford is also attached to direct Castro’s Daughter, a biopic about Alina Fernandez, who was the product of a love affair between Fidel Castro and Cuban socialite Naty Revuelta, for Mankind Entertainment.
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