Sundance Institute is preparing for its inaugural Sundance Institute Theatre Lab in East Africa, set to take place from July 9-29 on the island of Manda off Kenya.
Under the supervision of theatre programme producing artistic director Philip Himberg, the Lab will provide artists with guidance in their creative development toward final production.
The projects and fellows are: Cut Off My Tongue (Kenya) with Sitawa Betty Wamalwa Muragori and Lillian Amimo Olembo; The Book Of Life (Rwanda) with Odile Gakire Katese, Ruzibiza Wesley, Samuel Kamanzi, Mutangana Moise and Goretti Amurere; Africa Kills Her Sun (Tanzania) with Mrisho Mpoto, Gilbert Lukalia and Elidady Msangi, musician; and Silent Voices (Uganda) with Lucy Judith Adong, Grace Flavia Ibanda and Jacob Otieno Rabong’o.
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