Danny Wallace’s upcoming debut novel follows a disillusioned teacher in London who tracks down an unknown woman in a series of photographs.
Working Title co-founders Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner will produce and Liza Chasin and Amelia Granger will oversee development.
Random House Group subsidiary Ebury Press has set a summer 2012 UK publishing launch for Charlotte Street, which is understood to be sparking deals with foreign publishers.
Wallace’s 2005 non-fiction book Yes Man was adapted into the Jim Carrey and Zooey Dechanel rom-com. His next non-fiction work, More Awkward Situations For Men, chronicles his everyday life and will be published by Ebury Press in the UK at the end of the month.
Wallace is represented by literary agent Simon Trewin at United Agents, film agent Jago Irwin at The Agency and Lisa Thomas at Lisa Thomas Management. Joseph Veltre of The Gersh Agency represents literary rights to Charlotte Street in the US.
“We’ve always been huge fans of Danny’s books and his stories feel very close to Working Title’s romantic roots,” Bevan said. “We’re looking forward to working on Charlotte Street which has charmed us and displays all the warmth, heart and comedy of the real-life stories in his non-fiction work.”
Working Title’s first documentary Senna recently opened in select international markets and the company’s slate includes awards season hopeful Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and comedy Johnny English Reborn.
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