Fresh from his one-yearstint at Miramax, industry veteran Paul Pflug has landed at Universal Pictureswhere he will serve as senior vice president of media relations and play a keyrole in boosting the company's corporate profile.
In his new post Pflug willserve as the primary strategist for the company's external corporate andexecutive image and will work alongside existing corporate communications andpublicity teams at Universal Pictures and Universal Studios.
More specifically he willoversee communications as well as media relations in business, production andmarketing operations, dealing with industry, consumer and business journalistsand handling a wide array of company business.
Pflug began work at thecompany on May 3 and will report directly to Universal Pictures vice chairmanMarc Shmuger.
Sue Fleishman will continueto coordinate media relations, community and philanthropic initiatives andother projects and events relating to the highest executive ranks as seniorvice president of corporate communications and public affairs for UniversalStudios.
Michael Moses will continueto oversee domestic publicity for Universal's theatrical releases as executivevice president of publicity.
Jeffrey Sakson will remainin his position as Universal's key inter-divisional messaging and publicitysynergist as senior vice president of publicity and Vivian Mayer continues tooversee home entertainment as senior vice president of publicity for UniversalStudios Home Video.
"We are very happy towelcome Paul to Universal," Shmuger said in a statement. "We have admired hiswork for years and believe that adding him to our team completes a roster thatgives us the most aggressive and experienced strategists in the industry.
"Paul's deep well ofexperience and exceptional relationships with media will help provide Universalincisive positioning in the press and also help us communicate a richer senseof our company and of the executives who work here.
"Our business initiativesare expanding far beyond traditional theatrical releases, and Paul is a keyaddition in shaping our corporate complexion as we move toward our future."
Pflug recently served asexecutive vice president of media relations and corporate communications atMiramax and as the company's senior West Coast executive worked on campaignsfor Cold Mountain, City Of God, Kill Bill Vol 1 and Dirty PrettyThings, among others.
Prior to Miramax he servedin a number of publicity roles including a four-year stint at ArtisanEntertainment where he rose to executive vice president of national publicityand corporate communications and worked on The Blair Witch Project, BuenaVista Social Club and Requiem For A Dream.
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