Co-directed by Kim Sang-Chanand Kim Tae-Hyun, the film is a remake of Japanese film Sharan-Q No Enka No Hanamichi, directed by Yojiro Takita, about anaspiring rock singer who signs the wrong contract and becomes an Enka (Koreancountry music) singer by mistake.
The cast also includesactress Lee So-yeon (Untold Scandal)who plays a wannabe Enka singer who Cha's character falls in love with. Currentlyin production, the film will be released in
The film marks a return tocomedy for Cha who has recently appeared in a string of successful melodramasincluding Lovers' Concerto, Sad Movie and My Girl & I.
Studio 2.0's Asian FilmMarket slate also includes action animation Aachi& Ssipak which screens in the Ani Asia section of this year's PusanInternational Film Festival.
Launched earlier this year,Studio 2.0 is the entertainment arm of total media enterprise Mediacorp, whichwas formed by the merger of Korean investor/distributor Tube Entertainment withpublisher Youngjin Dotcom and entertainment-related firms Media 2.0 and OiMusic.
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