Beverly Hills-based QED International has closed major territory saleson Richard Shepard's comedy thriller Spring Break In Bosnia starring RichardGere and Terrence Howard.
Rights have gone to TF1 in France, Avex in Japan, Senator in Germany; DutchFilmworks for Benelux, Sandrew Metronome for Scandinavia, SPI for EasternEurope, Sun Distribution for Latin America, Village Roadshow for Greece, andWest for Russia.
Momentum previously acquired UK and Spanish rights (Aurum), and The WeinsteinCompany will release in North America, Australia and New Zealand.
Spring Break In Bosnia centres on three journalists looking to make theirname in the hunt for a Bosnian war criminal who get mistaken for a CIA hitsquad.
The InterMedia and QED International co-production is scheduled to beginshooting this summer in Europe.
'We couldn't be more pleased with our distribution partners for Spring Break InBosnia,' senior vice president of sales and distribution Kimberly Fox said.
'From the start, buyers across the globe expressed keen interest, given thescript and the strong elements already in place. Overall, we've had atremendously successful market and are confident this momentum will carry onafter Cannes.'
Mark Johnson and Scott Kroopf are producing the picture, based on ScottAnderson's 2000 Esquire magazine What I Did On My Summer Vacation.
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