Inaugurated four years ago, the event issponsored by the city and includes a feature competition, retrospectives,tributes and has added a new short film competition this year.
Premieres willinclude Michel Gondry's The Science Of Sleep,Disney's Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest,Nuri Bilge Ceylan's Cannes competitor Climatesalong with other Cannes titles Lights In The Duskby Aki Kaurismaki and The Right Of The Weakestfrom Lucas Belvaux.
The main competition includes 15 titles (seebelow) while retrospectives will be screened in honor of director ClaudeChabrol, actress Rossy de Palma and dancer/actress Cyd Charisse. A restoredcopy of Robert Wise's West Side Storywill also screen.
Peter Fonda will be on hand to screen hisdirectorial debut, 1971's The Hired Hand.A set of Italian horror films will be shown in the presence of director DarioArgento along with a cycle of films from young Korean directors.
All screenings, which are scattered around thecapital, will be accessible at a reduced price of $5 (4 Euros).
Other goodies include outside screenings,walking tours of famous cinematic landmarks and a special set of screenings forkids.
Main competition
Au Dela De La Haine(Olivier Meyrou, France)
Bamako(Abderrahmane Sissako Mauritania)
C'est L'Hiver (RafiPitts, Iran)
Echo Park, LA (RichardGlatzer/ Wash Westmoreland, US)
Le Grand Silence(Philip Groning, Germany)
In Between Days (So YongKim, US)
La Legende Du Temps(Isaki Lacuesta, Spain)
Montag (UlrichKohler, Germany)
Notre Pain Quotidien(Nikolaus Geyrhalter, Austria)
Les Oiseaux Du Ciel (Elianede Latour, France)
Old Joy (KellyReichardt, US)
La Pecheur Et La Danseuse(Valery Solomin, Russia)
Pour Aller Au Ciel Il Faut Mourir(Jamshed Usmonov, Tajikistan)
Sehnsucht (ValeskaGrisebach, Germany)
04:30 (RoystonTan, Singapore)
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