Japan's Toei has pre-soldGerman rights to Kenta Fukasaku's Yo-Yo Girl Cop, starring Japanese pop diva Aya Matsuura, to RapidEye Movies.
Based on a legendary 1980sTV series, about a deadly yo yo-wielding girl detective, the film is alsowhipping up buyer interest from the UK and France. Fukasaku previously directedToei's record-breaking Battle Royale 2.
Meanwhile, Toei has alsosold Takehiko Shinjo's Heavenly Forest starring Aoi Miyazaki to Hong Kong's Golden Scene. Miyazaki recently starred in female buddy dramaNana, which was a huge hit across Asia last year.
Toei is also sellingeccentric horror title Exte - Hair Extensions, directed by Sion Sono and starring Chiaki Kuriyama,who made an impression as a deadly schoolgirl in Kill Bill.
Toei drama Memories OfTomorrow, starring Ken Watanabe,just opened in Japan on May 13 and is projected to gross around $30m.
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