RecallMusic For Films is to handle soundtracks for films produced by Luc Besson andPierre-Ange Le Pogam's French mini-major EuropaCorp.
Thecompany is a joint-venture between composer Eric Serra and
Thedeal kicks off with the release of Jeanne Biras' Au Suivant! on July 3,whose star Alexandra Lamy sings on the soundtrack.
Otherreleases being prepped include The Transporter 2 in August, GuyRitchie's Revolver in September, Color Me Kubrick starring JohnMalkovich in October and
Serra'sown compositions will be heard on the soundtrack for Bandidas inDecember.
Serra andBesson are long-time collaborators going back to Besson's directorial debut TheLast Combat and including such films as The Big Blue, The Professional,La Femme Nikita and the director's current project Arthur And TheMinimoys.
Serra hasalso worked on such EuropaCorp productions as Wasabi and US-producedfilms Rollerball and Bulletproof Monk.
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