Red Light Runners, the crime thriller that recently made headlines when it announced a cast including Michael Madsen and Minnie Driver, is understood to have shelved plans to raise its budget through UK tax financing vehicle the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS).
The film, which is understood to have sent at least some money back to EIS investors, appears to be setting up alternative financing through a patchwork of companies. A spokesperson for the film however, said the production is expected to shoot as planned in November.
Runners sparked interest in June when Madsen took a break from filming Die Another Day at Pinewood to appear at a press conference for the film in London. The Reservoir Dogs star took the podium with an eclectic cast including TV and radio presenter Sara Cox and pop star-turned-actor Martin Kemp.
Writer and co-producer Clark Westerman promised the production would be a "posterchild" for the EIS scheme, which grants tax relief on film investments and is traditionally used for low-budget fare. The production aimed to raise the first slice of its budget by mid-July through the EIS scheme, with the bulk coming in before the end of August.
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