Relativity Media hasfinalised a multi-picture co-financing deal with Warner Bros that is expectedto see total production spend reach $528m for the first six features.
All titles have been pre-selected and are scheduled to open by February 2007.
"The deal closed less than 60 days after the signing of the initial termsheet - testimony to both the quality of Warner's product and the wherewithalof the capital provider involved here," Relativity's chief executive officerRyan Kavanaugh, who negotiated the deal, said.
The deal follows on from the financing arrangement Relativity structured inApril for Marvel Enterprises for a seven-year $525m revolving credit facilitywith Merrill Lynch Commercial Finance Corp.
Kavanaugh and his partner, Lynwood Spinks, were the architects of that deal,and the pair has also raised capital for a number of other filmmakers anddistributors, including Mark Canton's Atmosphere Entertainment and ExceptionWild Bunch of France.
To date the Los Angeles-based Relativity has structured and consummated morethan $2bn in production slate financing.
It most recently financed and produced George A Romero's zombie picture Land OfThe Dead that was released through Universal, and the upcoming comedy The WholeTruth, which New Line will handle in North America. Wild Bunch is handlinginternational sales.
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