Rezo Films International, the sales arm of French producer-distributorRezo Films, is hitting its first Cannes market with Russian action title Countdown.
Budgeted at $12 million and tipped as an action blockbuster, Countdownisdirected by Evgeny Lavrentiev and has already taken $6 million at the Russianbox office.
Starring Alexey Makarov, Louise Lombard and John Amos, Countdown is in Russian andEnglish and follows Major Smolin as he attempts to thwart a terrorist plan toturn Rome into a dead city.
Rezo is also re-teaming with director Eric Rohmer to produce and sell TheRomance Of Astrea & Celadon. Casting is underway on thefilm which will star a bevy of 17 year old girls.
Meanwhile, My Dad Is Into Terrorism is the next Rezo film from WorldAccording To Bush documentarian William Karel. Terrorism is a docu-fictionabout a daughter's struggle to deal with her father's suicide.
Also on Rezo's slate are Zaina, Rider Of The Atlas by Living InParadise's Bourlem Guerdjou. A sweeping drama about a young girl and a caravanof horses in Africa, film is produced by Rezo.
Home Town Blue director Stephane Brize is on the Rezo slate with NotHere To Be Loved starring Anne Consigny and Patrick Chesnais while thecompany is selling its first animated film, Princess Of The Sun by PhilippeLeclerc.
In pre-production are Little Eagle - also produced by Rezo - byWu Tian Ming and Geraldine And The City by Vanessa Lhoste andstarring Clotilde Courau and Marianne Denicourt.
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