The Girl In The Park, written and directed by Pulitzer Prize winningauthor David Auburn, and Pushing UpDaisies, a black comedy written and directed by Chaz Thorne, both went intoproduction this week and are the first two films to carry the name RGM, one ofAustralia's most prominent agencies.
RGM director Robyn Gardinerand partner Devesh Chetty set up a branch in
'It is tremendouslyexciting to be in production at last," said Gardiner in a statement. "It's beena big step to expand the company into Asia and ultimately we expect our EPunit, working side by side with the management companies in Australia and Asia,will provide greater opportunities for actors, writers and film-makers byensuring their work is distributed and seen worldwide.'
Sigourney Weaver plays awoman still traumatized by the disappearance of her daughter 15 years earlierin The Girl In The Park, and KateBosworth is the troubled young girl Weaver's character comes to believe is herdaughter. Sean Furst, Bryan Furst (TheCooler, The Matador) and Chip Rosenbloom areproducing and the shoot is underway in
In Pushing Up Daisies, Jay Baruchel plays ayoung man who inherits a bankrupt funeral home in the country and tries torevitalise the business. His embalmer girlfriend is played by RGM's Australianclient Rose Byrne. The film is shooting in
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