Entertainment PR and marketing companyRogers & Cowan has opened a UK filmdivision in London. The office will concentrate on UK filmrelease campaigns, European film festivals, and international publicitycampaigns.

Janine Azern will lead the new office as VPof film, reporting to LA-based executive vice presidents Nikki Parker andMichael Dalling. Emma McCorkell will alsojoin the London team.

Azern previously served as VP in the UKtheatrical publicity department of London-based DDA Public Relations, and priorto that worked as a publicity consultant for Twentieth Century Fox. She hadrecently worked as a freelancer with Rogers & Cowan at the Venice andDeauville Film Festivals.

McCorkell is a veteran of Premier PR, DDA,Warner Bros. International, Nikki Parker's Denmead Marketing, and ColumbiaTriStar Films.

"As we witness the global filmindustry's development, where international markets collectively surpass theU.S. in total box office revenue on a regular basis, a heavy emphasis has beenplaced on overseas PR campaigns to support theatrical film releases," said TomTardio, CEO of Rogers & Cowan.

"Rogers & Cowan recognizes the importanceof an evolving global film industry and will continue to aggressively supportinitiatives backing PR and marketing services targeting this industry. We nowhave a talented and experienced team situated in London, which willmanage and grow our valued international film business in the UK andthroughout Europe."