Bruce Rosenblum has been named president of the newly formedWarner Bros Television Group (WBTV) and will oversee the studio's entireworldwide television operation including US TV network The WB Network.
A 19-year Warner Bros veteran who co-founded the WB Network,Rosenblum will take the lead in expanding the company's production anddistribution portfolio.
In addition to WBTV and The WB Network, Rosenblum will alsooversee Warner Bros' other two television production arms, TelepicturesProductions and Warner Bros Animation. He reports directly to Warner Broschairman and chief executive officer Barry Meyer.
"Bruce is one of the most talented and forward-thinkingexecutives working in television today," Meyer said. "We're going torely on his intelligence, instincts and unparalleled experience to createdynamic new business models under the banner of the Warner Bros TelevisionGroup."
For the 2005-2006 season, WBTV will produce 51 primetime,first-run, cable and animated series. The company also supplies 33 series tothe six broadcast networks as well as two series to cable.
Rosenblum joinedLorimar in 1986 and moved into the Warner Bros fold as vice president ofbusiness affairs when the company acquired Lorimar in 1989. He became seniorvice president of television business management in 1994 and rose to become thestudio's executive vice president five years later.
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