He lies,he drinks, he rarely showers - Spanish P.I. Torrente is back in AmiguetesEntertainment's in-the-works Torrente 3.
Industry executives had the chance to get in early on theT3 action as one of a handful of new projects presented at the SalesOffice of the San Sebastian International Film Festival (Sept 17-25).
Theestimated Euros 5.1m film begins shooting in December understar-director-writer-producer Santiago Segura. Amiguetes has high hopes T3can match the runaway domestic box office success and international sales ofits two prequels.
AliciaLuna, overseer of the Sales Office, said that of the 1,000-plus accreditedexecutives, a fair number come to San Sebastian looking to close co-productionsand pre-sales on future projects rather than sign distribution deals oncompleted films.
Havingsaid that, two competition titles have already closed local distribution dealson-site: Alta Films picked up Iranian-Iraqi title Turtles Can Fly (BahmanGhodabi), and Barton Films took all Spanish rights to Chinese love story LetterFrom An Unknown Woman (Yi Feng Mo Sheng Nu Rende Lai Xin).
As ofmidweek there were no clear front-runners for awards among the festival'sofficial competition selection. Spanish critics spread some of their highestpraise on local films: Argentinian-Spanish co-production Roma and soleSpanish competitor Hours Of Light (Horas De Luz).
GoranPaskaljevic's Midwinter Night's Dream (San Zimske Noci), XuJinglei's Letter From An Unknown Woman and Susanne Bier's Brothers(Brodre) also received high marks from local critics, while MichaelWinterbottom's Nine Songs suffered the lowest ratings and harshestcritiques.
AnnetteBening arrived in San Sebastian on Sunday and, after a private tour of theBilbao Guggenheim on Monday with her Being Julia director Istvan Szabo,received the second of the festival's three annual lifetime Donostia Awards onTuesday night.
WoodyAllen left San Sebastian with his family on Monday with his Donostia in hand,and Jeff Bridges is expected in town next weekend with Tod Williams' TheDoor In The Floor, the out-of-competition closing film, to receive thisyear's final Donostia prize.
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