Paul Colichman's pioneering gay and lesbian cable network here! TVhas begun production in Vancouver on separate gay and straight-themed versionsof the same Christmas family story.
Too Cool For Christmas stars George Hamilton as a local Santa who teaches afashion-conscious teenager about the merits of spending the holidays with hertwo fathers, rather than her boyfriend.
Donna Mills, Brooke Nevin, Adam Harrington and BarclayHope star in the piece, which was written by Canadian comic Michael Gelbart andis being directed by Sam Irvin.
It is understood that largely the same cast will appear in AVery Cool Christmas, astraight-themed version of the same story featuring heterosexual parents.Hamilton will star as Santa in both versions.
Too Cool For Christmas is due to air on here! TV in December, while Regent WorldwideSales is handling worldwide sales on both titles.
"Never before has there been a gay family-themed holidayspecial," said here! TV president Colichman.
"This film marks yet another attempt in our mission totake mainstream genres that have traditionally lacked a gay presence and tofill in the gaps with entertaining and innovative programming."
Colichman added: "When I first read Michael Gelbart's script, theparents were straight. We asked him if he could adapt a second story in whichthe parents are two dads. We thought it would be terrific to shoot bothversions of the film to reach the widest possible audience."
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