Standard Chartered Bank (
Currently shooting at
"This is a significantmilestone for
Kong has used bank financingfor his previous martial arts epics, Heroand House Of Flying Daggers, butworked with banks in the US and Europe such as France's Natexis Banques Populaires.
SCB set up its HongKong-based Creative Industries department, headed by Susan Ho, at the end oflast year in a move that could revolutionise film financing in the territorywhich has traditionally relied on private investment. Former RBS executive LeeBeasley joined the department as head of media and entertainment a few monthsago.
One of the department'sfirst big moves was to enter into a unique banking relationship with Dutch/HK-basedsales agent Fortissimo Films. The arrangement involves a revolving line of creditbased on the bank discounting Fortissimo's contracts portfolio, resulting in aline of credit which the sales agent can invest in producing and acquiringsmaller projects.
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