The changing dynamics of thehome entertainment sector will be the subject of a major Screen Internationalconference to be held at the Langham Hotel in Central London next Thursday(June 23).
Topics to be addressed atthe event include what the current trends in DVD retail and pricing mean forthe film industry, the impact of interactive and next generation technologies,opportunities for producers in the DVD market, new and emerging trends andfresh approaches to the issue of piracy.
New speakers now confirmedinclude Alistair Macrow, Marketing and Planning Director at Blockbuster, andEntertainment UK's Trading Manager for video Kevin Dersley who will join the'DVD Retail and Rental - New trends & Models' panel session.
Sam Dunn, General Manager ofTartan video, will discuss DVD pricing strategies in a session moderated byPeter Dodd, Editor of Cue Entertainment magazine.
Ben Gibson, Director ofLondon Film School will moderate the 'Made for DVD: Opportunities forProducers' panel with panellists Keith Griffiths of Illumination Films andJames Richardson of Vertigo Films joining the debate.
Matt Brightwell, who headsup Contender Group's marketing team, will discuss innovative marketingstrategies for home entertainment products, while the Chairman of Home EntertainmentCorporation, Iain Muspratt, will moderate 'Fast forward - The changing face ofhome entertainment'.
A panel looking at theincreasing threat of piracy will be moderated by one of the film industry'sleading piracy experts Richard Atkinson, Vice President of anti-piracy at WaltDisney studios.
Adam Gerwin, Macrovision'sSenior Director of Marketing will join him as a panellist on what promises tobe one of the hottest topics of the year.
Sponsors on board for theevent include headline sponsor Lovefilm, who are joined by DTS, Macrovision andLynic. Macrovision will stage a prize draw giving delegates the chance to win afantastic home cinema prize.
To sign up for theconference please visit, email, call +44 (0)20 75056044 or fax +44 (0)20 7505 6001.
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