Screen International has appointed one of the mostexperienced and respected film business journalists Fionnuala Halligan asassistant editor (international).

Her duties will include overseeing the worldwide network ofcorrespondents working for the magazine, festival dailies and

Editor Michael Gubbins said he was delighted to be workingwith such an accomplished journalist in the exciting years ahead.

"Finn is a first-class writer and editor and will add a hugeamount to the expansion of the products.

"As a former correspondent in both Europe and Asia, she isfantastically placed to understand the challenges of the international market."

Halligan has been a writer and editor foralmost twodecades, reporting on the film industry for the last 12.

Based in Hong Kong, she was film critic and editor at TheSouth China Morning Post, Asia's largest daily English-language newspaper, forover a decade, and also worked for Screen International as Hong Kong/China correspondent.

In Spain for the last four years, sheworked for ElPaisand Screen International before returning to London. Freelanceassignments include The International Herald Tribuneand NBC Asia, whereshe hosted a weekly chat show - on cinema.

She has reported on all the major film festivalsinternationally and industry events, including the Academy Awards.