Sega Enterprises plans to equip its Net@ chain of game arcades in Tokyo with video-on-demand (VoD) systems developed by NEC and linked via fibre-optic cable.
Each Net@ game centre will be supplied with a server able to store up to 120 hours of films and other video software. Sega claims that customers will be able to view films they have selected within seconds.
Sega recently struck a partnership with Japanese production outfits Omega Pictures and Suncent CinemaWorks to promote and distribute their movies at its Net@ arcades (Screendaily, July 19). Admission to the films is free but customers pay Y500 ($4.63) for 30 minutes use of the centre's high-tech terminals.
Sega intends to equip 15 game centres with VoD by the end of the year. Eventually it plans to use the NEC systems in 600 centres nationwide, or more than half its total network.
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