Morris Ruskin's LosAngeles-based sales company Shoreline Entertainment has bulked up its Cannesslate with seven new titles.
Heading up the roster isJacob Gentry's adventure-romance Last Goodbye starring Faye Dunaway, anadaptation of Patrick Kaye's novel that also stars David Carradine and will bereleased through Warner Brothers Home Video in North America.
Other titles include BarryStrugatz' sci-fi comedy From Other Worlds, which stars Cara Buono andIsaach De Bankole, who appears in Lars Van Trier's competition title Manderlay; Lucy Phillipsand Glen Scantlebury's bittersweet comedy My Tiny Universe starring JohnHeard, Lesley Ann Warren and Debbie Mazar; and Kevin DiNovis' comedy Death& Texas starring Charles Durning and Corbin Bernsen.
Also being offered to buyersare an adaptation of Rick Pagano's play Ten Tricks starring LeaThompson; horror titles Cup Of My Blood and Paolo Vacirca's TheSecret, as well as Drew Maxwell's assassination thriller The Sleeper.
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