Fifty buyers from more than20 countries are expected to attend the sixth annual Spanish Film Screenings ofLanzarote (Feb 24-26).
Newly dubbed the WinterScreenings - due to a move from lateNovember to February, Lanzarote offers buyers the opportunity to see more than30 new Spanish films from the last year.
Three premieres will getgala screenings: Juanma Bajo Ulloa's romantic drama Fragil; policecomedy R2 And The Case Of The Headless Corpse (R2 Y El Cadaver Sin Cabeza);and football send-up The World's Longest Penalty (El Penalti Mas Largo DelMundo).
"With this year's Screeningswe're taking the opportunity to reflect on our first five editions, in whichsome 180 films, 80 sellers and 300 buyers have participated," says TeodoroRios, organiser of the Screenings.
"This year the event has amuch more promotional character," Rios adds, pointing to the event's posterimage of a camera shooting a woman on an idyllic beach. "Local film commissionsare working hard to bring productions to the Canary Islands."
The Screenings are sponsoredby the Tourist Office of Lanzarote, the Canary Islands Government, the SpanishFilm Institute, the Spanish Foreign Commerce Institute and the SpanishProducers' Federation.
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