The film was directed by Jackie Reem Salloum and produced by Rumzi Araj, Jackie Reem Salloum and Waleed Zaiter. Featuring the Palestinian Artists: DAM, Abeer, PR, Mahmoud Shalabi and Arapeyat.
The deal was brokered between Celluloid president Hengameh Panahi and Steven Beer of Greenberg Traurig.
In Slingshot Hip Hop, a new generation shoots rhymes instead of rocks as Palestinian rappers form alternative voices of resistance within the Israeli-Palestinian struggle.
Interweaving multiple stories of young Palestinians in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank, filmmaker Jackie Reem Salloum spotlights a vibrant Hip Hop scene as emerging artists discover rap and employ it as a means to surmount age-old conflicts deepened by occupation and poverty. The film is billed as a reflection of the rappers themselves, an inspiring union between the Palestinian struggle and this Black American art form gone global.
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