GreeneStreetFilms and Sidney Kimmel Entertainment have sold North American and UK rights onWayne Beach's upcoming thriller Slow Burn to DEJ Productions.
GreeneStreetInternational has sold Slow Burn, which stars Ray Liotta as a district attorneywho confronts a gang leader, to Eagle in Italy and is expecting to close Francetoday [18]. Deals for Spain and Germany were close to being finalised at timeof writing.
GreeneStreetco-founder Fisher Stevens, Sidney Kimmel, Bonnie Timmermann, and Tim Williamsare producing the picture. GreeneStreet co-founder John Penotti, LongfellowPictures' Andy Karsch and DEJ's Andy Reimer serve as executive producers.
"DEJ shares ourenthusiasm for the film and they have a great track record," Penotti said."They provided substantial financial support for the Oscar-winning theatricalrelease of Monster and they were instrumental in the production of both therecently theatrical released Crash and Matador, scheduled fortheatrical release later this year.
"The initial response to Slow Burn, has been great and, withDEJ's involvement, we are looking forward to a relationship that provides for asizable and successful theatrical release."
"We think that Wayne has made a terrificfilm with a great cast that is smart, suspenseful and extremely entertaining,"DEJ president Andy Reimer said.
"This year should see DEJ expand ourtheatrical activities and provide greater P & A funding to those of ourmovies that justify that support. We feel that Slow Burn may be the mostcommercial movie that DEJ has yet been involved with and we'll look forward toannouncing further release plans shortly."
Since its inception in1999, Blockbuster subsidiary DEJ Productions has acquired and distributed anaverage of 35 pictures a year. It co-financed and produced Paul Haggis' Crash with Stratus Films,which opened recently in North America through Lions Gate Films.
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