Small MPU – Page 1008
International - World domination
The Day The Earth Stood Still took the top spot on the international box-office chart for the December 12-14 weekend, giving Fox International its first number-one debut in five years. Opening day-and-date in 90 territories in addition to North America, the sci-fi remake took $39.2m from 7,715 screens, giving it ...
Europe - breaking the deadlock
Given the slow pace of change in European digital cinema, there is a danger in over-hyping any kind of movement. But a $56m investment in leading UK and France-based D-cinema business Arts Alliance Media (AAM) may prove significant.The money from European services company Econocom and various private investors will allow ...
Sieben's Distance to open Berlinale's Perspektive Deutsches Kino
Writer-director Thomas Sieben's feature debut Distance (Distanz) will open the Berlinale's Perspektive Deutsches Kino - the sidebar dedicated to German films on February 6.Sieben describes the film as 'An existential story of violence and love which simultaneously disturbs and touches through its unconditional nature.'Distance was produced by Berlin-based GrandHotelPictures with ...
Göthenberg Film Festival to open and close with local documentaries
Sweden 's Göthenberg International Film Festival will bookend its 32nd edition with two local documentaries: Nahid Persson Sarvestani's The Queen And I and Jesper Ganslandt-Martin Degrell's The Film I Am No Longer Talking About. Göthenberg International Film Festival is the Nordic countries' largest film festival, screening around 450 films to ...
Public funding for Rome Film Festival cut by $2.5m for 2009 edition
The International Rome Film Festival has announced that public funding for its budget will be cut from $8.1 (Euros 5.8 mil) to $5.6 (Euros 4 mil) for the 2009 edition. The cuts come from the festival's founding committee, which has cited the global economic crisis as the reason.Earlier the committee ...
In the first of a three-part review of the year. Screen looks at some of the key issues for the international filmindustry in 2008. Click to see full story.CRUNCH TIME:harsh economic conditions push online distribution and D-cinema to centre stage, says Michael GubbinsREALITY BITES: A bleak year for the US ...
In the second of a three-part review of the year, Screen looks at some of the critical issues affecting the international industry. To see part one click here.BOX OFFICE: Twilight and Dark Knight put a shine on the year's takings, says Jeremy KayFESTIVAL ROUND-UP: The winners at this year's key ...
Madagascar 2 soars past $200m after $33.5m weekend for PPI
DreamWorks Animation's Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa swept past $200m thanks to another strong haul that saw the animated sequel add an estimated $33.5m for $218.5m though PPI from 5,959 venues in 56 territories.The film opened in ten territories and ranked number one in Italy on $6.5m from 463 sites, Australia ...
Koltai-Levine sets up marketing company MKL Partners
Former Picturehouse marketing chief Marian Koltai-Levine has announced the marketing company MKL Partners.'Today more than ever, the marketplace seems ripe for a new kind of marketing firm: One that develops diverse, strategic campaigns, offers a breadth of talent to deliver results, and expands or contracts based on client needs,' Koltai-Levine ...
Winchester plots Millennium gem heist
The UK's Winchester Films is readying a feature about this month's audacious diamond raid on the Millennium Dome in London - only this time the robbers get away with it.Producer Mark Thomas, Winchester's point person for UK films, has copyrighted a six-page treatment he wrote on the day of the ...
Carrey's Yes Man leads North American box office with $18.2m take
Jim Carrey won the face-off with Will Smith as Warner Bros' comedy Yes Man debuted at number one in the pre-Christmas weekend on an estimated $18.2m, but it was a subdued weekend as storms battered the North-East.Overall box office fell off 44% against the same period last year as the ...
The Blind Sunflowers dominates nominations for Goyas
Jose Luis Cuerda’s The Blind Sunflowers has picked up 15 nominations for the 23rd Goya awards, more than double the number of any other film.Cuerda’s Franco era drama, which has already been put forward as Spain’s entry for the Oscars, has been nominated for best picture, best director, best adapted ...
The One Man Village (Samaan Bildayaa)
Documentary. Dir. Simon El Habre. Lebanon, 2008. 86 mins.
Dubai Film Festival Round-up
KhamsaDir/scr: Karim Dridi. Fr. 2008 95 minsAn intriguing and often compelling (if sometimes meandering) feature shot with a cast of uniformly effective non-actor children, Khamsa is set in the Roma community outside Marseilles. This obviously conjures up images of Tony Gatlif (who has a music credit), but this plays it ...
Screen reviews A-D
AustraliaAAchilles And The TortoiseAccidental HusbandAdam ResurrectedAdhen (Le Dernier Maquis)AdorationAdulthoodAfterschoolAfterwardsAliens Versus Predator: RequiemAngus, Thongs, and Perfect SnoggingAnother Love StoryAnywhere USAAppaloosa The AquariumAshes Of Time ReduxAssassination Of A High School PresidentAugustAustraliaL'AutreAutumn (Sonbahar)Awaking From A Dream BlindnessBThe Baader Meinhof Complex (Das Baader Meinhof Complex)Baby MamaBabylon ADBack SoonBagheadBallast Bangkok DangerousBart Got a RoomBathoryBe ...
Screen reviews E-I
Elite SquadEEagle EyeEasy VirtueEden LakeThe Edge of LoveElegyEl GrecoElite Squad (Tropa De Elite)An Empress And The WarriorsEmpty Nest (El Nido Vacio)The EscapistEverlasting Moments Every Little StepEverything Is Fine (Tout Est Parfait) Frost/NixonFFear Me Not The Feelings Factory (La Fabrique Des Sentiments)Fifty Dead Men Walking La Fille De Monaco (The ...
Screen reviews J-O
JerichowJJe Veux Voir (I Want To See)JerichowJerusalemaJohnny Mad DogJourney to the Centre of the Earth 3DJuliaJumperJust Anybody (Le Premier Venu)Kung Fu PandaKKabuli KidKatynKhamsaKing Of Ping PongKit Kittredge: An American GirlKrabat KnittingKung Fu PandaLion's DenLL: Change The WorldLaila's Birthday Lake CityLake TahoeLakeview TerraceLamb of God (Corderdo De Dios)Largo WinchLast Chance HarveyLast ...