Small MPU – Page 1063
Tarak Ben Ammar
Quinta Communications chief Tarak Ben Ammar talks about his role in the recent popular uprising in Tunisia and what he believes are the implications for the Arab entertainment business
Bristol Calling
Tom Hughes and Ophelia Lovibond give us the gossip from the set of Eight Minutes Idle.
Flying down to Rio...
New animated movie highlights the location delights of the vibrant Brazilian city
The box of delights
No longer simply a refuge for a career in decline, serious TV drama is alive and thriving in the US as film talents including Kate Winslet and Martin Scorsese clamour to work on the small screen. But can this trend continue?
Cash of the titans
Will its ground-breaking deal with HBO encourage the UK’s Sky — and the territory’s other broadcasters — to increase their own investment in high-end TV drama? Matt Mueller reports
Weekly International Box Office Mar 25-27
Battle: Los Angeles narrowly edges out Rango at the top of a stagnant international box office
Arts Council cuts ICA funding, adds Tyneside Cinema and Berwick festival
Some film-related organisations in the UK are affected by today’s annual portfolio funding decisions by the Arts Council England, which has unveiled the organisations it is backing between 2012 and 2015.
Case study of a dramatic success
How did Carnival Films finance its 2010 hit, Downton Abbey? Ben Dowell reports
Think big, start small
The barrier between film and TV is coming down as UK producers exploit different platforms to match finance with creative ambition.
Filmsharks takes Finnish feature Hella W
The Argentina-based sales company will begin international sales on Juha Wuolijoki’s film in Cannes.
Iain Smith to head advisory board for new British Film Commission under Film London
Office of the British Film Commissioner moves from the UKFC to Film London tomorrow as part of restructuring; advisory board to have about 20 members.
Eight Minutes Idle
The second feature to come out of South West Screen’s iFeatures scheme is a romantic comedy set in a Bristol call centre, starring Brit actors of the moment Tom Hughes and Ophelia Lovibond.
Oliver Sherman gets distribution in France, Hungary through EoF scheme
Thriller Oliver Sherman has been confirmed to screen at several festivals and has distribution in two territories under the new Eye On Films initiative.
Summer 2012: The Film Games
Summer 2012 represents a unique challenge for UK distributors with a packed sporting and cultural schedule, including The London Olympics, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the European Football Championships. But it also represents opportunities. Andreas Wiseman has an early look at how the industry is gearing up.
Lionsgate launches microbudget initiative, names first three films
The programme will focus on films under $2m and the first three are post-apocalyptic comedy Rapture-Palooza, comedy Gay Dude and supernatural thriller 6 Miranda Drive, to be directed by Wolf Creek creator Greg McLean.
Whole Foods, Silverdocs launch green grant
The nationwide retailer of natural and organic food has teamed up with AFI-Discovery Channel Silverdocs Festival on a $50,000 award for films about the environment to be awarded at Silverdocs on Jun 25.
MPF&TV carves out Filmart sales on Miss Nobody, Grey Skies
Moving Pictures Film & TV has concluded the sale of horror film Grey Skies and 3D film Robin Hood: Ghosts Of Sherwood to HGC Entertainment in China.