Small MPU – Page 1187

  • News

    Icon grabs worldwide rights to Jindabyne


    Icon Entertainment International has jumped aboard Jindabyne, the next film by director Ray Lawrence, who gave Australia its biggest commercial and critical hit of 2001 with Lantana. It is the first time the company has grabbed all worldwide sales rights to an Australian film since its local distribution arm opened ...

  • News

    Germany's CMW Film boards Russendisko adaptation


    A film version of Wladimir Kaminer's cult novel Russendisko has been announced as one of the projects in the slate of international co-productions by German producer Christoph Meyer-Wiel's new Berlin-based production outfit CMW Film Company.The adaptation of Kaminer's collection of short stories will go into production in Berlin next year ...

  • News

    Rembrandt steals early US buyer buzz


    Danish newcomer Jannik Johansen's highly anticipated feature debut Stealing Rembrand may be months away from its scheduled domestic release, but it is already picking up considerable buzz following an early screening in London for US buyers, according to the film's producer Thomas Gammeltoft.The Danish-UK film, a co-production between Gammeltoft's Fine ...

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    Co-production quartet hatched at Buenos Aires conference


    European and Latin American participants at the second annual AL-Invest conference forged four co-productions during the event, organised by Brussels-based Jose Luis Escudero of Intercommunicacion, Belgium.The meeting between European and Latin American producers, that coincided with the 5th Buenos Aires International Film Festival of Independent Cinema, matched around 30 European ...

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    Constantin continues to fend off Highlight's advances


    The board of Germany's most successful producer/distributor Constantin Film has failed to reach a decision on a response to Swiss media group Highlight Communications' planned take-over of the company.Despite holding a specially convened meeting to discuss Highlight's intention of acquiring the 58.6% of Constantin it does not already own, the ...

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    French frank on film support


    France's culture minister Jean-Jacques Aillagon has called for a series of measures to further support French cinema and to encourage films to shoot within the country.During a ministerial meeting on Wednesday, Aillagon stated it is imperative to "diversify and perpetuate" film financing in France in order to boost the local ...

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    Spanish media giant grabs slice of Antena 3


    Spanish publishing and media giant Grupo Planeta has bought 25.1% of Spanish free-to-air broadcaster Antena 3 from telecommunications company Telefonica, the companies announced Wednesday. The deal values Antena 3 at Euros 1.45bn ($1.6bn). Telefonica is required by law to sell off its 59% stake in the broadcaster before going through ...

  • News

    Brenner hired as New York-based marketing consultant for Cinecitta


    Debbie Brenner,the New York-based marketing and competitive strategy consultant, has beenhired to boost the profile of Italy's legendary Cinecitta Studios amongUS film-makers.Brenner's job will be to attract the attention ofcommercial directors and photographers to the studio's film and TVfacilities, which include 22 stages and the largest sound stage in Europe.Making ...

  • Reviews

    Animal Factory


    Dir: Steve Buscemi. US. 1999. 90 mins.Prod Co: Phoenician Entertainment, Industry Entertainment, Arts Production Corp. Int'l Sales: Franchise Pictures. Prods: Julie Yorn, Elie Samaha, Steve Buscemi, Andrew Stevens. Exec prods: Alan Cohen, Barry Cohen, Edward Bunker, Danny Trejo. Scr: Edward Bunker form his novel. DoP: Phil Parmet. Prod des: Steven ...

  • News

    SAG declares Global Rule One a success in year one


    Exactly one yearafter the launch of its Global Rule One initiative to protect member'scontractual rights on worldwide productions, the Screen Actors Guild (SAG)today (May 1) hailed the plan a success.The guild saidthat since the launch there have been more than 100 foreign theatricalproductions shot under SAG terms that may not ...

  • News

    Julie Spielberg joins MGM theatrical business affairs


    Julie Spielberghas been appointed senior vice president of legal affairs for MGM'stheatrical business affairs division, the studio's executive vicepresident of theatrical business affairs Jonathan Bader announced today (Apr30).In her new postSpielberg will be involved in all aspects of theatrical business and legalaffairs related to MGM's film production activities, talent andfilm-maker ...

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    Renaissance takes on We Don't Live Here Anymore


    London-based RenaissanceFilms is to handle international sales on We Don't Live Here Anymore, an intense drama currently shooting in Vancouverstarring Naomi Watts, Mark Ruffalo, Laura Dern and Peter Krause.The film, formerly known as Anymore, is based on short stories by Andre Dubus, whoseshort story Killings was filmedas hit independent In ...

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    Echelon buys rights to wartime drama Double Destiny


    Los Angeles-based productionand distribution company Echelon Entertainment has bought all worldwide rightsto Double Destiny, a true wartimesaga about identical twins raised separately, one as a Nazi and one as a Jew.The story starts withefforts to reunite the brothers in 1980, 35 years after they were forced tolive apart during the ...

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    Myriad takes foreign on A Foreign Affair


    Los Angeles and London-basedproduction and distribution company Myriad Pictures is in final negotiations toacquire all foreign rights outside the US and English-speaking Canada to thecomedy-drama A Foreign Affair, companypresident Kirk D'Amico announced today (May 1).The Black & White Filmsproduction played in the American Spectrum strand at Sundance earlier this yearand ...

  • News

    3D Ghosts to get special screening


    Ghosts Of The Abyss, James Cameron's 3D documentary in which he returns to the wreck of the Titanic, is to screen in Official Selection, out of competition at this year's Cannes Film Festival.The screening will take place on Saturday May 17, three days into the festival, at the Grand Amphitheatre ...

  • News

    Cameron's 3D Ghosts to obtain special screening


    Ghosts Of The Abyss, James Cameron's 3D documentary in which he returns to the wreck of the Titanic, is to screen in Official Selection, out of competition at this year's Cannes Film Festival.The screening will take place on Saturday May 17, three days into the festival, at the Grand Amphitheatre ...

  • Reviews

    To Kill A King


    Dir: Mike Barker.UK. 2003. 105mins.An ambitious, solidly executed period drama, To Kill A King represents a daunting marketing challenge. Charting the close personal friendship and bitter ideological differences between Oliver Cromwell and Thomas Fairfax in 17th-century England, it is a history lesson propelled by ideas rather than action. A sober, ...

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    Clooney's Confessions welcomed in Italy


    After a series of generally low-key limited releases George Clooney's directorial debut, Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind, received a boost to its international box office last weekend with a number one bow in Italy.The territory is the first to provide the comic-drama, which is based on the 'unofficial autobiography' of ...

  • News

    Solo takes German rights on Jester Till


    Peter Heinzemann's Solo Film has picked up theatrical and video/DVD rights for producer-director Eberhard Junkersdorf's (pictured) latest animated feature Jester Till (Till Eulenspiegel).The Euros 15m co-production between Junkersdorf's Munich Animation, the UK's Scala Productions and Illuminated Film Company, Belgium's DFJ Motionworks and German media fund CP Medien will be ...

  • News

    Fox to release Prokino slate in Germany


    German independent distributor Prokino and 20th Century Fox have entered into an exclusive strategic cooperative alliance which will see all of Prokino's future releases being distributed by the US major, starting with Kenneth Branagh's Love's Labours Lost. Branagh's Shakespeare adaptation, which is showing at this year's Berlin Film Festival in ...