Small MPU – Page 1204
O-Scope takes US rights to Shapiro's Monogamy
Oscilloscope Laboratories has acquired US rights from Submarine to Murderball director Dana Adam Shapiro’s narrative feature film debut Monogamy.
Relativity, AMC team up on distribution competition
Relativity Media’s Rogue and AMC Theatres have launched the Big Break Movie Contest to offer film-makers with previously undistributed features the opportunity to obtain exclusive on-screen distribution.
Eastwood's Hereafter to close New York Film Festival
Clint Eastwood’s Hereafter will close the 48th New York Film Festival on October 10 ten days before Warner Bros releases it in North America.
Ellison's Skydance to co-finance Paramount films
Paramount has closed its first slate financing deal since talks with Deutsche bank collapsed in 2008 according to reports, signing a pact with Skydance Productions run by Oracle founder Larry Ellison’s son David Ellison.
Andrew Pike joins judging panel for MPA APSA fund
Andrew Pike, MD and founder of Australian distributor Ronin Films, will sit on the judging panel of the inaugural MPA APSA Academy Film Fund, the new $100,000 script development fund.
Nordisk Fund, Power to the Pixel pact for kids cross-media project development
Nordisk Film & TV Fond is joining forces with UK cross-media company Power to the Pixel to collaborate on developing six pre-selected Nordic cross-media projects for children.
Toy Story 3 continues to dominate UK box office
Toy Story 3 became the second film this year to spend four weeks in first place at the UK box office, and only the third film since November 2008 to achieve four consecutive weeks at number one.
Record industry attendees head to New Nordic Films in Haugesund
The market, co-production and film financing forum (Aug 18-21) also boasts 13 world premieres in market programme.
Vaizey accuses UKFC of 'overzealously' promoting its own interests
Amid signs of increasing tension between the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the UK Film Council, the DCMS has effectively accused UKFC of briefing against it — a charge that the Film Council has strongly denied.
UPDATE: Toronto adds more big world premieres; unveils Midnight Madness line-up
Toronto International Film Festival has unveiled more films in its programme. Notable new world premieres include Matt Reeves’ Let Me In, Clint Eastwood’s Hereafter, and Dustin Lance Black’s What’s Wrong With Virginia.
Dubai partners with Cairo for co-production events
In a move to strengthen ties in the Arab film industry, the Dubai International Film Festival has partnered with the Cairo Film Festival to collaborate on co-production markets at the two festivals.
Second-quarter box office: Depth but no breadth
Len Klady analyses the second quarter at the global box office, with theatrical up 11% driven by 3D but admissions up less than 3% over 2009, esentially flat overseas.
Toronto also unveils more programme plans, including Istanbul focus
Even more films have been announced for the Toronto International Film Festival. The festival has finally revealed that its second City to City programme will focus on Istanbul, presenting new and recent Turkish films.
Love Manual 3, Garrel's Burning Summer set to shoot at Cinecitta
Production is picking up pace at Rome’s Cinecitta Studios, which will be hosting two feature films in August and September with international names.
SquareOne takes on Hungry Rabbit Jumps, Dark Tide, Ironclad
German independent licence trader SquareOne Entertainment is set to consolidate its new position in the German theatrical market with further acquisitions to be released with distribution partner Universum Film.
Brazil hopes to export more films to Argentina with grant programme
Argentina will be one of the countries targeted in future editions of the distribution grant program created to help the release of Brazilian films overseas.
HPI takes on international sales for My Idiot Brother
Hyde Park International chief Mimi Steinbauer has picked up international sales on Big Beach and Likely Story’s the upcoming all-star ensemble comedy My Idiot Brother.
Imagenation, Parkes / MacDonald prepare international thriller
Imagenation Abu Dhabi and Walter Parkes and Laurie MacDonald of Parkes/MacDonald Productions are developing an international action thriller with the writing team of Neal Purvis and Robert Wade from Casino Royale and Quantum Of Solace.
Film Movement hears the call of If I Want To Whistle, I Whistle
Film Movement has acquired US rights to If I Want To Whistle, I Whistle (Eu Cand Vreau Sa Fluier, Fluier) and have set a January 2011 platform release in New York ahead of nationwide roll-out.