Small MPU – Page 309

  • Features

    Le Caméléon


    True story of Frédéric Bourdin the young deliquent who posed as Nicolas Barclay, a 13-year-old who had disappeared three years previously. To Frédéric’s astonishment, Nicolas’s family welcome him like their own son, leaving the police and FBI baffled and concerned. A race against time thus ensues, between the investigators and ...

  • Features

    Swinging With The Finkels


    Romantic comedy about a married couple going through a turbulent time

  • Features



    Two young scientists become famous after combining the DNAs of two different animals and creating a new, fantastic species. They then break legal and ethical rules by mixing animal DNA with that of human beings.

  • Features



    Bret Easton Ellis meets Gus Van Sant’s Elephant in this story of rich and bored teenagers who party without fun, never see their parents, and find solace only in smoking dope together.

  • Features

    Last Night


    The fragile and complex life of a couple is overturned one night when one goes on a business trip with an attractive colleague, whilst the other meets up with an old lover.

  • Features

    Les Meilleurs Amis Du Monde


    One mistaken press of a button on a mobile phone and all the secret opinions harboured by friends are revealed to one just before he sets off for a weekend away with everyone.

  • Features

    La Rafle


    Production companies: Gaumont, LégendeInternational Sales: GaumontDirector: Roselyne BoschScreenplay: Roselyne BoschDoP: David UngaroSet Designer: Olivier RaouxCast: Mélanie Laurent, Jean Reno, Gad ElmalehLocations: Paris, HungaryContact: Carole Dourlant, Gaumont (33) 1 46 43 20 37

  • Features



    Set against the backdrop of a tough estate during a blisteringly hot summer, Summertime is a film musical that captures the sprit of folk-operas such as Porgy And Bess, with the grit of contemporary fables such as Dancer In The Dark

  • Twilight

    Summit extends Twilight into virtual world Habbo


    Summit Entertainment is looking to extend its vampire franchise Twilight online through a new deal with social networking site, Habbo.

  • Baaria



    Dir/scr. Giuseppe Tornatore. Italy. 2009. 163 mins.

  • Norman Reedus

    Apparition, SPWAG swoop on Boondock Saints sequel


    Apparition and Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions Group (SPWAG) have moved quickly to acquire The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day following its Comic-Con presentation and will release in the US on October 30.

  • Geoffrey Rush

    Weinsteins take North America and select territories on The King's Speech


    The Weinstein Company has acquired North America and select territory rights from See-Saw Films and Bedlam Productions to The King’s Speech starring Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush.

  • Wolfman remake starring Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins.

    RTL Television, Universal extend licensing deal


    RTL Television and NBC Universal International Television Distribution have entered a new multiple-year licensing agreement.

  • USC_overhead.jpg

    USC film school earns star from Hollywood Chamber Of Commerce


    The USC School Of Cinematic Arts (SCA) will receive a “star of recognition” from the Hollywood Chamber Of Commerce on September 10 to mark the school’s 80th anniversary.

  • News

    San Francisco Film Society announces FilmHouse residents


    The San Francisco Film Society announced today the third round of film-makers who have been awarded SFFS FilmHouse Residencies.

  • News

    Babelgum releases Rage in pioneering mobile launch


    Web and mobile content platform Babelgum will release Sally Potter’s new film Rage on September 21, marking the first launch of a feature-length film on a mobile platform.

  • Mark Lindsay

    Mark Lindsay joins Arclight as head of sales and acquisitions


    Mark Lindsay has been named president of sales and acquisitions for Arclight Films and will head up the company’s New York office.

  • Ernesto Diaz Espinoza’s superhero film Mirageman

    Cinemavault closes key sales on Mirageman and The Blackout


    Toronto-based Cinemavault has concluded a raft of sales on Ernesto Diaz Espinoza’s superhero film Mirageman, which played at last year’s Sitges International Film Festival.

  • Dan Pittman

    Dan Pittman named svp media at Fox Searchlight


    Dan Pittman has been promoted to senior vice-president of media at Fox Searchlight, effective immediately.

  • [REC] 2



    Dirs: Jaume Balaguero, Paco Plaza. Spain. 2009.85 mins.