Small MPU – Page 354

  • News

    Raindance premieres films made on phones


    London-based festival Raindance hasbecome the first in the UKto screen movies made entirely on mobile phones. The festival, which runs at Cineworld Shaftesbury Avenuefrom until Oct 8, will be presenting the finalists in this year'sNokia Shorts competition, which had film-makers submit 15-second shorts shot ontheir handsets. The five finalists in ...

  • Reviews

    Thomas And The Magic Railroad


    Dir: Britt Allcroft. 2000. UK-US. 86 mins.Prod co: Destination Films, Gullane Pictures. Co-prod: Mark Jacobson. Domestic dist: Icon Distribution. Int'l Sales: Kathy Morgan International. Exec prods: Charles Falzon, Nancy Chapelle, Barry London, Brent Baum, John Bertolli. Prods: Allcroft, Phil Fehrle. Scr: Allcroft. Dop: Paul Ryan. Prod des: Oleg Savytski. Ed: ...

  • News

    Odeon purchases two new cinema sites


    The UK'slargest cinema chain, Odeon, has announced that they will be opening two new cinemas. Anew site in Medway, Kentand the acquisition of the Vue cinema in Basingstoke,Hampshire, sees Odeon now owning a total of 110 cinemas and 843 screensnationwide.The Odeon cinema in Kentwill be a state-of-the-art nine-screen multiplex built ...

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    NZFC announces new short film manager


    The New Zealand FilmCommission has announced that Juliette Veber will take on their newly created role of Short FilmSales and Marketing Manager. Veber, whose post begins on Oct 2, has worked in thefilm industry for 10 years. She produced the feature film Toy Love, directed byHarry Sinclair, and associate produced ...

  • News

    Mexico and Belgium announce their Oscar entries


    Pan's Labyrinth has been announced as Mexico's entry into the Oscars' foreign-language film category.Directed by Guillermo DelToro, whose previous films include Hell Boy, Cronosand The Devil's Backbone, Pan's Labyrinth is a dark fairytale set in post-civil war Spain. In the movie, a young girl's fantasy world overlapswith real-life Fascist Spain.Pan's ...

  • News

    Reykjavik festival tries to grow industry presence


    The third ReykjavikInternational Film Festival, which opened last night (Sept 28) with a totalblack-out in the Icelandic capital, is mainly devoted to audiences, but it isgradually extending its industry side."The festival is still verynew, so for a start we have organised a seminar for producers and filmmakers,in collaboration with the ...

  • News

    Digital future depends on single standard, says Fox d-cinema chief


    If the international film business doesn't adopt the single digital DCI standard agreed by the studios, it risks derailing the whole d-cinema revolution.That was the stark warning offered by Julian Levin, Twentieth Century Fox executive vice president in charge of digital exhibition, in his keynote address at the Screen International's ...

  • News

    TWC signs output deal with ARD Degeto in Germany


    The Weinstein Company (TWC) has signed a multi-year output dealwith leading German broadcaster ARD Degeto for free TV rights to current andupcoming TWC and Dimension Films pictures.Pictures in the pipeline include John Madden's thriller Killshot starring Thomas Jane, Diane Lane andMickey Rourke; satirical comedy The Nanny Diaries starring Scarlett Johansson, ...

  • Reviews

    Employee Of The Month


    Dir: Greg Coolidge. US.2006. 103mins.Neitheroutrageously funny nor sweetly romantic enough to generate much interest, EmployeeOf The Month is anegligible work-place comedy that struggles to establish its personality. Inhis first leading role, standup comedian Dane Cook does what he can withthreadbare material but, more critically, lacks the sort of undeniable screencharisma ...

  • News

    Dimension signs two-year deal with Stoopid Monkey


    Dimension Films has signed a two-picture deal with Seth Green andMatthew Senreich's Stoopid Monkey Productions.The agreement includes the stop-motion animated holiday feature NaughtyOr Nice and alive-action untitled comedy.Green and Senreich will produce both projects as they make theirfirst forays into theatrical features. The pair created, write, direct andserve as executive ...

  • News

    Cruz gets tribute at AFI FEST before Volver gala


    Penelope Cruz will receive AFI Fest's annual Tribute in Hollywoodon Nov 2 immediately prior to the centerpiece gala screening of PedroAlmodovar's Spanish foreign language Oscar entry Volver.Festival organisers also announced several Special Presentationscreenings including the world premiere of Karen Moncrieff's ensemble murdermystery The Dead Girl,and the North American premiere of ...

  • News

    De Niro to be feted at Rome Film Festival, screen 20 mins of Shepherd


    Robert De Niro will screen 20 minutes from his upcoming CIAthriller The Good Shepherd at the Rome Festival, where he will receive the festival'sinaugural Steps And Stars Award.The honour recognises individuals and cultural entities that havemade significant contributions to the film industry.Last month the Tribeca and Rome festivals announced their ...

  • News

    Japanese rivals join forces for digital venture


    Sony Corp, Toshiba Corp and Matsushita Electric are teaming up to develop interactive services for digital satellite TV. The three partners are also recruiting other companies, including Hitachi and the Tokyo Broadcasting Network, to join the alliance.The three electronics giants plan to launch a company this autumn to develop payment ...

  • News

    Death Of A President to hit US theatres on Oct 27


    Newmarket Films will release its Toronto acquisition Death Of APresident in the US onOct 27 and will launch the trailer in theatres on Sept 29.Gabriel Range's hypothetical drama about the hypothetical assassinationof George W Bush in Oct 2007 and the event's aftermath was snapped up at thefestival following its world ...

  • News

    Center, Prada launch in key territories


    Summit Entertainment/Constantin's murder drama Perfume will look to continue its international leadthis weekend through strong holds.The picture took $11.3m last weekend and currently stands at morethan $39.7m on the back of impressive early runs in German-speaking Europe, CISand Italy.Buena Vista International's (BVI) Pirates of The Caribbean:Dead Man's Chest hastaken $626.4m ...

  • News

    China confirms Golden Flower as Oscar entry


    As anticipated, China has selected Zhang Yimou's Curse Of The Golden Flower as its submission for the best foreign-languagefilm category at next year's Academy Awards.Beijing New Picture Film Co,which produced the film, confirmed the decision made by a selection committee organisedby the Film Bureau under China's State Administration of Radio, ...

  • News

    Norway backs Reprise in Oscar race


    Norway has submitted Joachim Trier's feature debut, Reprise, for consideration in the foreign-language Oscar race. "We have great confidence inthis year's candidate - it is unusual, poetic and exciting, and gets to theaudience from the very first moment" said chairman of the selection committee, JanErik Holst of the Norwegian Film ...

  • News

    Oliver Stone continues political talk in San Sebastian


    Speaking at the San Sebastian film festival, Oliver Stone revealed he wants tomake a film about the current war on terror, and is searching for the rightkind of story.He was at pains to stress,however, that he didn't want to go down the journalistic route, favoured bydirectors like Michael Moore. "Film-makers ...

  • News

    Bavaria takes on rights to Miguel & William


    BavariaFilm International has picked up world sales rights outside ofSpain for Spanish director Ines Paris' Miguel & William, about a fictitiousencounter between Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare and their rivalryin love of a beautiful woman.Featuring Spain's European Shooting Star 2004 ElenaAnaya, the UK's Will Kemp, double Goya-winner JuanLuis Galiardo ...

  • News

    Ray Winstone and Tilda Swinton back the BIFAs


    Actors Ray Winstone andTilda Swinton have become patrons of The British Independent Film Awards.The other patrons already onboard for the Awards include Mike Figgis, Adrian Lester, Ken Loach, SamanthaMorton, Michael Winterbottom and Meera Syal.The BIFAs are now in theirninth year, honouring independent films that are majority financed by UK companies. ...