Small MPU – Page 357

  • News

    Pusan Links


    Key Links:PIFF Official Site click hereOffers the full programme and list of events in Korean and EnglishFestival Programme click hereScreenings click hereAsian Film Market click hereScreenings, listings and data from the AFM.Pusan Promotion Plan click hereNews and listings from the PPPBusan Metropolitan City click hereOfficial metropolitan city site, ...

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    Om Puri signs for role opposite Hanks in Nichols' War


    Veteran Indian actor Om Puri has signed for a lead role in MikeNichols' Charlie Wilson's War opposite Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Puri previously worked with Nichols in Wolf opposite Jack Nicholson and MichellePfeiffer in 1994.Based on the book by George Crile, Charlie Wilson's War is a ...

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    Indonesia submits Love For Share as Oscar entry


    Nia Dinata's Love For Share (Berbagi Suami) has been named Indonesia's official entry for this year's foreign-languageOscar category. The entry was selected byPersatuan Perusahaan Film Indonesia (PPFI) which has created a 17-memberselection committee comprising film-makers, actors, writers, critics anddistributors. The committee is headed byfilm critic Leila Chudori and members include ...

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    Brazilians vie for Latin American Film Fund


    Brazilianproducers need to build bridges with the financial community in order toattract more private production investment, delegates at the Rio InternationalFilm Festival (Sept 21 - Oct 5) were told.A seminaron production included speakers Joseph Woolf, Citigroup entertainment financingdirector, Doug Hansen, COO ofEndgame Entertainment, and Steve Mangel, president of Int'l Film ...

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    Major territories in place for Crocodile Dundee 3


    CLT-Ufa has acquired French and German rights to Crocodile Dundee In LA, the third film in the Crocodile Dundee franchise. UIP will release the film in the UK, Scandinavia and the local Australian market. Paramount Pictures has North American rights and plans to release the picture in April 2001.Kathy Morgan ...

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    Macedonia set to become Film City


    Macedonia is to be established as a"one-stop shop" for the digital entertainment industry, according toplans by Collaborative Media Group (CMG) to create the Film City Macedonia with support from theMayor of Skopje, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, and the United StatesAgency for International Development (USAID).CMGwas founded as an ...

  • Reviews

    Lake Of Fire


    Dir: Tony Kaye. US. 2006. 152minsThe Book of Revelations talks of a lake "which burnswith fire and brimstone" and this state of eternal doom proves an apt metaphorfor the subject of abortion. While there are hints on which side film-makerTony Kaye stands, his film will not be embraced by either ...

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    Golden Village installs 3D digital cinema system


    Through its brand newflagship multiplex GV Vivocity, Singapore's largest exhibitor Golden Village has become the first in South-East Asia toinstall a 3D digital cinema system provided by Kodak. Using Real D's 3Dstereoscopic technologies, the new system is equipped with a Kodak cine-serverand Barco projector. Upcoming 3D releases include the international ...

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    Costa-Gavras to host masterclass at Thessaloniki


    Director Costa-Gavraswill present a masterclass at this year's International Thessaloniki Film Festival(TIFF). Gavras joins previously announced guests, film-makers Wim Wenders andWalter Salles, in attending the 47th anniversary of the festival.Wenders will host amasterclass as well as a major retrospective of his works at TIFF, which isheld Nov 17-26. An exhibition ...

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    Film piracy a $1billion business in Latin America


    Piracycost the Brazilian cinema market $102m last year according to figures announcedby the Motion Picture Association (MPA) at the Rio International Film Festival.Aseminar featuring producer Diler Trindade, Total Filmes' Walkiria Barbosa,producer Luiz Carlos Barreto, the MPA's Marcio Goncalves and attorney MarceloGoyanes heard that piracy was worth over $1bn across the ...

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    Peter Howitt begins shooting Dangerous Parking


    SlidingDoors'director Peter Howitt started shooting his latest production on Oct 3.Howitt wrote, directs and stars in the film, anadaptation of Stuart Browne's 1999 cult novel Dangerous Parking. Richard Johns produces under Howitt and Johns'production outfit Flaming Pie Films.Howitt and Johns raised the finance for the filmindependently, from private investors, including ...

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    Sally Joynson to head Screen Yorkshire


    Screen Yorkshire has appointed Sally Joynson as Chief Executive.Joynson has worked for theagency, which is is responsible for supporting film, broadcast and interactivemedia in Yorkshire and Humber, since its formation in 2002.During her tenure, ScreenYorkshire has accrued national partners on a number of initiatives includingbusiness growth schemes with PACT, Channel4, ...

  • Reviews

    Griffin & Phoenix


    Dir: Ed Stone. US. 2006. 102mins.A theatrical remake of a 1976 TV movie, Ed Stone's featuredebut Griffin & Phoenix never movesbeyond the narrative and emotional restrictions of a story about two people in lovedying from cancer. Stone tries his best to avoid manipulation or sentiment, butthe story is almost entirely ...

  • Reviews

    Griffin & Phoenix


    Dir: Ed Stone. US. 2006. 102mins.A theatrical remake of a 1976 TV movie, Ed Stone's featuredebut Griffin & Phoenix never movesbeyond the narrative and emotional restrictions of a story about two people in lovedying from cancer. Stone tries his best to avoid manipulation or sentiment, butthe story is almost entirely ...

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    Canana finishes first picture Cochochi in Mexico


    Canana, the new Mexicanproduction company founded by Gael Garcia Bernal, Diego Luna and Pablo Cruz,has wrapped the six-week shoot of its first film Cochochi in co-production with Donald K Ranvaud's Buena OndaLtd.The movie, about Mexico'snative Raramuri Indians, was co-financed by LA-based Alcove Entertainment whoseprincipals Robin Fox and Amina Dasmal are ...

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    Policies, not personalities, spark Clark's exit


    Differences of style and strategy - rather than a personality clash or ugly fights over issues - appears to have provoked Duncan Clark's decision to quit his job as president of Columbia TriStar Film Distributors International (CTFDI).Clark, who has been with the studio since 1987 and headed international distribution for ...

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    Tran joins ICM after ten years at Lakeshore


    Bic Tran hasleft Lakeshore Entertainment and joined ICM independent and international filmdivision chief Hal Sadoff's team in Los Angeles.Tran starts workimmediately and joins Sarah Lash and B J Ford. ICM's independent andinternational film division has packaged and arranged financing on a burgeoningroster of prestigious titles that includes Mark Palansky's fantasy ...

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    Affleck, Film Foundation to receive HFA honours on Oct 23


    MartinScorsese's non-profit organisation The Film Foundation will receive theHollywood Film Festival's Hollywood Film Preservation Award and Ben Affleckwill collect the Hollywood Supporting Actor of the Year Award.Festivalorganisers will bestow the awards at the 10th Annual awards ceremony in LosAngeles on Oct 23.Scorseselaunched the non-profit Film Foundation in 1990 with the ...

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    Aronofsky, Lynch films set for AFI FEST gala slots


    Darren Aronofsky's time-travel epic The Fountain starring Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weiszand David Lynch's mystery INLAND EMPIRE starring Laura Dern and Jeremy Irons have been added to theroster of AFI Fest centerpiece galas.Festival organisers have also scheduled an on-stage interview withEd Zwick, which will feature clips from the director's upcoming ...

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    Fortissimo picks up worldwide rights to Guest's Consideration


    Fortissimo Films has picked up worldwide rights excludingNorth America and the UK to Christopher Guest's upcoming comedy For YourConsideration.The picture, which received its world premiere at Toronto inSeptember, takes a tongue-in-cheek swipe at the Hollywood Awards season.Fortissimo will offer to buyers at the AFM next month and the picture will ...