Small MPU – Page 366

  • News

    FACT, FDA offer tools to fight UK film piracy


    The UK's Federation AgainstCopyright Theft (FACT) and Film Distributors Association (FDA) havelaunched a new initiative against film theft. The new "toolkit" is toassist exhibitors and distributors to protect film prints and prevent camcorderrecording of films. FACT noted that more than 90% of pirate DVDs anddownloads originate from camcorder recording in ...

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    Gillo Pontecorvo dies in Rome


    As the inaugural Rome FilmFest is set to get underway tonight, Italy is mourning one of its cinema greats. GilloPontecorvo, most famous for directing TheBattle Of Algiers, died yesterday in Rome at the age of 86.Pontecorvo's other filmsinclude Kapo, Ogro and Burn (Qeimada)starring Marlon Brando. He worked injournalism and was ...

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    Rotterdam's Bals Fund starts digital production grant


    The International FilmFestival Rotterdam (Jan 24-Feb 4, 2007) will introduce a new digital productiongrant to the Hubert Bals Fund.The 36th Rotterdam festival has announced a new $24,980 (Euros 20,000)grant for low-budget digital video productions from developing countries. Thegrants can be used to fund total production costs. During the Fund's autumn ...

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    Nu Image to start Cusack's $10m parody thriller


    Nu Image Bulgaria will begin filming Oct 22 on Brandhauser, an international intrigue parody starring John Cusack,Joan Cusack, Hilary Duff and Marisa Tomei. Josh Seftel, one of the directorsbehind TV series Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, will direct the $10m project, alsoknown as War Inc. The film will shoot ...

  • Reviews

    The Sugar Curtain (El Telon De Azucar)


    Dir/scr: Camila Guzman Urzua. Fr-Sp. 2006. 80mins.A classic portrait of a dream gone wrong, Camila Guzman Urzua's personaland intimate Cuba documentary The SugarCurtain is as fierce an indictment of the Castro regime as any academicanalysis of it.The daughter of expatriateChilean film-maker Patricio Guzman, whosedocumentaries on Pinochet's military coup are textbookmaterial ...

  • Reviews

    The Sugar Curtain (El Telon De Azucar)


    Dir/scr: Camila Guzman Urzua. Fr-Sp. 2006. 80mins.A classic portrait of a dream gone wrong, Camila Guzman Urzua's personaland intimate Cuba documentary The SugarCurtain is as fierce an indictment of the Castro regime as any academicanalysis of it.The daughter of expatriateChilean film-maker Patricio Guzman, whosedocumentaries on Pinochet's military coup are textbookmaterial ...

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    Wortmann's football doc sets new record in Germany


    SoenkeWortmann's "fly on the wall" football documentary Deutschland. Ein Sommermaerchen hasbroken Germany's record for the most successful documentary release, which hadbeen held previously by another Kinowelt title, The March Of The Penguins, which hadposted 1.45m admissions. Accordingto Kinowelt's head of press Martin Wieandt, the Little SharkEntertainment/WDR-WDR mediagroup production was expected ...

  • Reviews

    The Post Modern Life Of My Aunt (Yi Ma De Hou Xian Dai Sheng Huo)


    Dir: Ann Hui. Chi. 2006. 113mins.A slapstick comedy opening leads to a melancholy and melodramaticending in Ann Hui's The Post Modern Life Of My Aunt, which is tailoredto please home audiences and Chinese communities abroad but will hold limitedinterest beyond that. Conceived as an episode piece that shifts from a ...

  • News

    New Rome Fest opens with Kidman's star power


    The first edition of theRome Film Fest kicked off today with Steven Shainberg's Fur: An Imaginary Portrait Of Diane Arbus,starring Nicole Kidman.Kidman's presence on openingday amplified the glamour quotient of the inaugural festival, plugged from itsinception as a people's "festa" or party.Director Shainberg andKidman filed into the Santa Cecilia concert ...

  • Reviews

    Flushed Away


    Dirs: David Bowers, Sam Fell. US. 2006. 86mins.It may lack the handmade charm anddeeply English quirkiness of Oscar winner Wallace& Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit, but Flushed Away, AardmanFeatures' first computer animated film and its third project with DreamWorksAnimation, is still lively enough to stand out from this year's ...

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    Daviau to get lifetime achievement award from ASC


    AllenDaviau will receive the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) LifetimeAchievement Award at the 21st Annual ASC Outstanding Achievement Awards in LosAngeles on Feb 18 2007.Daviauhas earned five Oscar nominations in his career for ET - The Extra-Terrestrial,Bugsy, The Color Purple, Empire Of The Sun,and Avalon.'AllenDaviau is still in the prime ...

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    Diane Keaton to get gala tribute from Film Society Of Lincoln Center in 2007


    Diane Keaton will be the subject of the Film Society Of LincolnCenter's 34th annual gala tribute on the closing night on Apr 9,2007."Keaton's career-defining roles in films, directed by WoodyAllen, Francis Ford Coppola, Warren Beatty and Nancy Myers, among others, havemade her one of the most popular and beloved screen ...

  • News

    Massis prepares Jabor's Copacabana as UK/Brazil co-production


    Alex Massis' Florida-based Film Source is preparing the $5m drama Copacabana,Of Love And Shadows.Filming is set to start in Rio De Janeiro in early 2007 onthe English-language story of an English artist and Brazilian street childwhose relationship is bedevilled by a drag queen.Brazilian film-maker Roberto Jabor will direct and Film ...

  • News

    Global Film Initiative names titles in fourth annual US touring series


    The Global Film Initiative (GFI) has unveiled its fourthannual Global Lens touring film series featuring nine features and seven shortsfrom developing countries.The series will screen in cities across the US beginning inJanuary through partnerships with major cultural institutions including theMuseum of Modern Art in New York.The Global Lens 2007 are: ...

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    Debney, Shakur to be honoured at the first Turks & Caicos film festival


    Composer John Debney and the late actor and rapper Tupac Shakurwill be honoured at the inaugural music-themed Turks & Caicos InternationalFilm Festival, which runs in the Caribbean from Oct 17-21.Debney earned an Oscar nomination for his score to The PassionOf The Christ, and hismore recent credits include Dreamer and Idlewild.Before ...

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    Susie Q, Mill Ridge team to option Wilson's novel Hiding Room


    Susie Q Productions and Mill Ridge Films have optioned JonathanWilson's novel The Hiding Room, which chronicles a European Jew's escape from the Nazis duringthe Second World War.The story centres on Esta, who flees from Austria to Cairo, whereshe embarks upon an affair with a British intelligence officer who suspects shemay ...

  • News

    IDA names six student documentaries nominated for Wolper Award


    The International Documentary Association (IDA) has announced sixnominees for the David L Wolper Student Documentary Achievement Award.The nominees are: Vadim Antonevich (The Sam Spiegel Film & TVSchool, Jerusalem) for In the Company Of Dead Cat; Isaac Brown and Erik Flagg (Universityof Florida, Gainesville) for Gimme Green; Jasmin Gordon (Stanford University) ...

  • News

    Voltage takes on Brandes' horror picture Penny Dreadful


    Voltage Pictures has picked up international rights from BrandesFilms International to the completed horror-thriller Penny Dreadful.Sales chief Nicolas Chartier will present the title to buyers atnext month's AFM in Santa Monica, ahead of a limited domestic theatricalrelease on Nov 17 through a partnership between the After Dark Horrorfest andLionsgate.Richard Brandes ...

  • News

    Screenwriting software outfit Final Draft acquires Forum Publishing


    Final Draft Inc has acquired the assets of Forum Publishing, whichincludes Script magazine, the Scriptwriters Showcase, Take A Meeting andScriptXpert, as well as all related web sites and domains.Terms of the acquisition were undisclosed, however the acquisitionpositions Final Draft as a one-stop shop for screenwriters offering education,software, and support.'We couldn't ...

  • News

    PUSAN: EuropaCorp picks up French rights to Unseeable


    Luc Besson's EuropaCorp hasacquired French rights to Thai director Wisit Sasanatieng's new horror The Unseeable, which is scheduled toopen in Thailand on November 2, followed by a market debut at AFM.The $2m picture, funded bylocal producer Five Star, has also been sold to Grand Brilliance for Malaysia and Brunei, Astro ...