Small MPU – Page 374
Brazil's Two Sons wins music-themed Turks & Caicos festival
Thefirst annual Turks & Caicos International Film Festival closed at theweekend [21] as Breno Silveira's Brazilian drama Two Sons Of Francisco was named best feature and The Hip Hop Project, on which Queen Latifah and Bruce Willis served asexecutive producers, won best documentary honours.MarkBecker was named best director for Romantico, ...
Gothams honour Winslet, Norton, unveil nominations list
KateWinslet and Edward Norton will receive 2006 Gotham Tributes at the upcoming16th Annual Gotham Awards in New York on Nov 29.TheGotham Awards will also honour multiple filmmakers with its first annual WorldCinema Tribute. This year, the tribute will be presented to the Mexican trio ofAlfonso Cuaron, Guillermo del Toro and ...
MPAA teams up with City Of New York to crack down on piracy
TheMotion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has teamed up with the city of NewYork to crack down on piracy through new legislation and noise abatement laws.Thecity will introduce legislation to criminalise illegal recording of copyrightedworks and will coordinate with the MPAA to use nuisance abatement laws to shutdown piracy operations ...
Shooting Dogs wins $100,000 top prize at Heartland Film Festival
MichaelCaton-Jones' Shooting Dogs won the$100,000 grand prize for best dramatic feature and Matt Ruskin's The Hip HopProject received the inaugural $25,000award for best documentary feature at the Heartland Film Festival.Shade won the $10,000 Vision Award for best short film, whileproducer Debra Martin Chase, whose credits include The Sisterhood Of TheTraveling ...
Korean Ministry of Culture announces support plan
In a follow-up to thesupport plan announced by South Korea's Ministry of Culture and Tourism in January, ministerKim Myong-gon announced the Film Industry Mid-to-Long-term Development Plan onMonday (Oct 23).Speaking at a joint pressconference between the Ministry and ruling Uri Party's Special Committee forKorean Film Development, Kim outlined the plan which ...
Vittorio Cecchi Gori's Finmavi declared bankrupt
In yet another blow toItalian movie mogul Vittorio Cecchi Gori's long-avowed comeback - Finmavi -Cecchi Gori's financial holding company for his media group - has been declaredbankrupt by the Rome bankruptcy court, a press release issued by theCecchi Gori Group said late Monday.Cecchi Gori vowed to battlethe decision: 'I will ...
Documentary programme Greenhouse Project revived
The Greenhouse Project is back in action. Thetraining program for the development of feature-length documentaries, whichlaid dormant for the best part of the last ten months, is now registeringcandidates for its first round of seminars, to take place in January 2007 in Istanbul. Targeting East Mediterranean territories, the programmeexpects candidates ...
Children Of Glory (Szabadsag, Szerelem)
Dir: Krisztina Goda. Hung-UK. 2006. 123mins.Produced to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the1956 Hungarian Revolution, the first time that the people of an Eastern Bloccountry took up arms against the Soviet Regime, Children Of Glory is a rousing and highly effective tribute to themen and women who fought in ...
Brazil launches film commission with int'l mission
Brazil has launched a dedicated film commission to capitalise on a weakened local currency and attract large-scale overseas productions such as The Mission, one of the few high-profile features to shoot in Latin America's largest country.With the real down to nearly two to a US dollar, the Rio de Janeiro-based ...
Dodona predicts half of US cinemas will be digital by 2011
Half of US cinemascreens will be Digital Cinema Initiative-compliant by 2011, according to a newreport from industry analysts Dodona Research. "The publication ofthe DCI Digital Cinema Systems specification haskickstarted the transition to digital in the United States," Dodona said. "The cost of digital cinema systemsis falling and leading circuits are ...
Fortissimo takes on sales for Children Of Glory
Fortissimo Films has pickedup worldwide rights to the Andy Vajna-produced Children Of Glory, an action-drama setagainst the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. The film premiered in its home territorythis week during fraught celebrations of the uprising's 50th anniversary.Previously, Fortissimo'sco-managing director Michael Werner had signed on as sales and marketingconsultant on the film. ...
Playing The Victim (Izobprzhaya Zhertvu)
Dir: Kiril Serebrennikov. Russ. 2006. 96mins.The surprise winner of the main Cinema2006 section of the Rome Film Fest, PlayingThe Victim is an intellectual, post- modern blackcomedy that has its engaging moments but ends up feeling gratingly pretentious.With a script adapted fromtheir own stage play by the prolific Brothers Presnyakov,this second ...
Kinowelt acquires producer/distributor Pegasos
After acquiring amajority stake in the license trader Intertainment earlier this year, theKinowelt Group has now continued its expansion by taking over the Cologne-baseddistributor-producer Pegasos Filmverleih und Produktion.In the deal signedin Leipzig on the eve of this year's Hof Film Days, Kinowelt has committed tocontinuing Pegasos' business exploiting rights to ...
Half Moon (Niwemang)
Dir/scr: Bahman Ghobadi. Ir-Aust-Fr.2006. 107mins.Bahman Ghobadi's Half Moon, one of seven features producedas part of the Mozart's Visionary Cinema: New Crowned Hope season, is moreambitious but not as tightly knit as some of the Iranian film-maker's bestwork. A road movie, whose real theme is the unifying spirit of the defiant ...
Almodovar's Volver wins Hollywood World Award
Pedro Almodovar's Volver won the Hollywood World Award sponsored by Screen International, at the Hollywood Film Festival's HollywoodAwards gala on Oct 23.The film's star Penelope Cruz accepted the award on Almodovar'sbehalf and read a note of thanks from the film-maker. Oliver Stone's World Trade Center won the Hollywood Movie of ...
THINKFilm acquisition adds domestic arm to Bergstein group
Los Angeles-based entrepreneur David Bergstein has slotted in the latestpiece in his vision for an international entertainment group with theacquisition of THINKFilm.Bergstein bought UK-based Capitol Films in January and will marrythat company's extensive overseas relationships and involvement on bigger budgetprojects with THINKFilm's domestic connections and steadfast reputation as oneof the ...
Nina's Heavenly Delights to close LA Fusion festival
Ray Yeung's comedy Cut Sleeve Boys and Ashish Sawhny's documentary HappyHookers are among theline-up of the 4th Annual Fusion: the Los Angeles LGBT People of Color FilmFestival.The event will kick off with a selection of international shortsand closes with the US Premiere of Pratibha Parmar's romantic comedy Nina'sHeavenly Delights.The festivalincludes ...
Asian Pacific VoD channel ANYTIME signs five-year deal with Indian Online Broadband
Leading Asian-Pacific region VoD channel ANYTIME has signed afive-year distribution deal with India's largest broadband provider India OnLine Broadband Limited.Four million homes in Mumbai and Delhi will have access to ANYTIMEVoD's movie channel and interactive games channels by March 2007.The ANYTIME VoD movie channel will be the exclusive provider ofHollywood ...
TWC to place anti-smoking PSAs on DVD of Clerks II
The Weinstein Company (TWC) has become the first company to insertanti-smoking public service announcements in DVDs in which smoking is depicted.The move follows a request sent last month to the leading studiosby 41 US attorneys-general.The December release of Clerks II will contain an anti-smoking ad createdby the American Legacy Foundation ...
CanWest gets greenlight to launch Canadian network
CanWest Global Communications is to form Canada's third national free-TV network after this week securing regulatory approval of its $545m purchase of the prinicpal TV assets of WIC Western International Communications.CanWest will now combine the new assets with stations in two key markets - Hamilton, Ontario and Vancouver, British Columbia ...