Small MPU – Page 379

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    Focus picks up international to Meireilles' thriller Blindness


    Focus Features International has picked up international rights toFernando Meirelles' upcoming thriller Blindness and will commence sales at AFM this week.Niv Fichman of Toronto-based Rhombus Media, Sonoko Sakai of BeeVine Pictures in Tokyo, and Andrea Barata Ribeiro of O2 Filmes in Sao Paulowill produce.Riberiro and his O2 partner Meirelles recently ...

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    Renegade Worldwide takes on Euro thriller Stone Merchant


    Crystal Sky's genre label Renegade Worldwide has acquired allrights to Renzo Martinelli's European thriller The Stone Merchant starring Harvey Keitel, Jane, March,Jordi Molla, and F Murray Abraham.Renegade, which is run by Patrick Ewald, will introduce the filmto buyers at AFM. The film is a co-production between Martinelli Film CompanyInternational, Medusa ...

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    GreeneStreet's Veneziano moves to LA office


    GreeneStreet FilmsInternational (GSFI) president Ariel Veneziano has moved to Los Angeles to joinGreeneStreet Films (GSF) partner Tim Williams in the new West Coast office.Veneziano will head up GSFIoperations and oversee its acquisitions activities. He will seek growthopportunities and increase the volume of GSF third-party acquisitions, whilebroadening GSFI's slate by finding ...

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    Scarfies sweeps New Zealand film awards


    Scarfies dominated New Zealand's film awards on July 1 winning the best producer award which went to Lisa Chatfield, best director for Robert Sarkies, best writer for Sarkies and his brother Duncan Sarkies and best female actor which went to Willa O'Neill.Scarfies was the debut film for the entire creative ...

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    Latido sells Your Life In 65 Minutes to Strand in US


    Madrid-based Latido Filmshas snared a US buyer for Maria Ripoll's comedy, Your Life In 65 Minutes. Strand Releasing has taken North American rights tothe film, which is on Latido's AFM slate. "It gives us impetus goinginto the AFM. That's why we wanted to close it as soon as possible," a ...

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    Media 8 boards George Gallo's Local Colour


    Media 8 Entertainment haspicked up all international rights to George Gallo's drama Local Colour starring Ray Liotta, Armin Mueller-Stahl and TrevorMorgan.Local Colour is based on a true story about a troubled18-year-old art student and his disillusioned Russian mentor who help eachother see life anew. Samantha Mathis, Charles Durning and Diana ...

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    M6 racks up sales on Siri's Intimate Enemies


    Following the success of Rachid Bouchareb's Days Of Glory, another French film dealing with thetrauma of the Algerian experience has been piquing buyers' interest. In therun-up to the AFM, Florent Siri's Intimate Enemies has been racking up deals.Since M6 began pre-sales on the project in Cannes in May with onlya ...

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    Dragon Tiger Gate's Yip, Yen reteam on City With No Mercy


    The team behind Hong Kongaction hit Dragon Tiger Gate- director Wilson Yip and action director Donnie Yen - arereteaming in action adventure City With No Mercy, which Hong Kong's Mandarin Films Distribution islaunching at the AFM. Yen, Louis Koo and CollinChou star in the $8m film which is scheduled to ...

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    Bavaria sells Sweet Mud to Canada, Brazil


    On the eve of the AFM, Bavaria Film International has sold IsraeliOscar entry Sweet Mudto Mongrel Media in Canada and Imovision in Brazil. The deals were concludedduring the Business Street Days of the Rome Film Festival earlier this monthSweet Mud,directed by Dror Shaul, is the story of a 12-year-old boy ...

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    Thailand's Five Star to start shooting Muay Thai Chaiya this month


    Thailand's Five Star isunveiling its latest project at AFM - Muay Thai Chaiya, a $2m action drama written and to be directed byKongkait Komesiri.Shooting is scheduled tostart in the second week of November for delivery next May.Set in both Chaiya insouthern Thailand and Bangkok, the picture follows three close friends ...

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    CMG picks up Legend library and strikes Benelux deal


    Edward Noeltner's CinemaManagement Group (CMG) has picked up international sales on the Legend FilmsLibrary and has already sold the entire library to RCV Entertainment for DVDand TV rights in Benelux.The library encompasses morethan 50 newly restored titles by San Diego-based Legend Films, including GeorgeA Romero's Night Of The Living Deadand ...

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    Arclight seals two year sales, co-financing deal with Silver's Zinc


    Arclight Films and Joel Silver's Zinc Pictures have signed amulti-picture two-year co-financing and sales agency deal.Under the terms of the arrangement Arclight will co-finance anddistribute Zinc Pictures titles across all media worldwide that areproduced outside its exclusive theatrical relationship with Warner Bros.The first two pictures will go out under Arclight's ...

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    Lightning gets rights to Weitz's college comedy


    LA-based sales agencyLightning Entertainment has picked up international rights to VulcanProductions' college comedy Bickford Shmeckler's Cool Ideas produced by the Weitz Brothers.Bickford marks the directorial and writing debut of Scott Lewand stars Patrick Fugit as a nerd who is forced to venture into the outsideworld after his book of cool ...

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    Danielak's Arsenal picks up Ungodly, Ghosts


    Yarek Danielak's international sales company Arsenal Pictures haspicked up thriller The Ungodly starring Wes Bentley and the documentaryGhosts, both of whichmake their market premieres here.Thomas Dunn directed The Ungodly, in which Bentley plays a photographerwho unwittingly catches a serial killer in the act and develops a symbioticrelationship with the ...

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    Passover Fever to open Oz's first Israeli fest


    Shemi Zarhin's epic comedy-drama Passover Fever (1995) has been chosen to open Australia's first Israeli Film Festival, to take place in Canberra from August 4-10.Israeli writer-director Joseph Pitchhadze will introduce the festival with a screening of his road movie Under Western Eyes (1996), part of a five-hour seminar examining representations ...

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    Applause teams with Ruddy Morgan to launch sales outfit ARM


    Hong Kong productionoutfit Applause Pictures has teamed up with the Ruddy Morgan Organization tocreate an international sales company, ARM Distribution, which is making itsdebut at the AFM. The new outfit is beingassisted by Robbie and Ellen Little's The Little Film Company.Two of the company'sexecutives, Robbie Little and Clay Epstein, will ...

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    Wild Bunch boards new films from Macdonald, Roeg, Gordon Green


    Ever-aggressive Frenchoutfit Wild Bunch has added new films by Oscar-winner Kevin Macdonald, veteranBritish auteur Nicolas Roeg, US indie darling David Gordon Green and Frenchmaster Alain Corneau to its AFM slate.Macdonald's new featuredocumentary My Enemy's Enemy,which follows his dramatic debut The Last King Of Scotland, promises to be especially controversial. It ...

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    Scorsese's Stones doc goes to Paramount, Fortissimo


    The long-gestating RollingStones documentary, which Martin Scorsese recently joined as director, hasstarted shooting in New York with Paramount Pictures on board as domesticdistributor and Fortissimo Films handling international rights.Scorsese, hot off thebiggest box office hit of his career in The Departed, is working with an award-winning camera team tocapture The ...

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    Odd Lot takes on rights to Cary's Ira & Abby


    Odd Lot International haspicked up foreign rights to Robert Cary's2006 Los Angeles Film Festivalaudience award winner Ira & Abby.The film will screen at AFMand stars Chris Messina and JenniferWestfeldt as a couple that getmarried on a whim and must endure thetumultuous consequences.Westfeldt wrote thescreenplay and Brad Zions produced. Westfeldt,Ilana Levine, ...

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    BAFTA/LA mourns the passing of Peter Henton at the age of 60


    Peter Henton, a former member of the board of directors atBAFTA/LA who served as producer of the Britannia Awards for the past 15 years,has died aged 60.Henton arrived in Los Angeles from the UK in 1984 and spent hisentire career in the film and television business. For several years he ...