Small MPU – Page 380

  • News

    Garbus Krupa starts action picture Brooklyn To Manhattan in NYC


    James Garbus and RobertKroupa's Garbus Kroupa Entertainment has started production on the actionpicture Brooklyn To Manhattan,which takes place primarily on the New York City subway. The company is nearingcompletion on Save Me, a dramaabout a gay man who quits his wayward lifestyle and checks into a Christianministry where he confronts ...

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    Baseball comedy beats Flags at Japanese box office


    Local baseball comedy Kisarazu Cats Eye: Sayonara Game grabbedthe number one spot at the weekend box office in Japan, out-grossing Clint Eastwood's WWII drama Flags Of Our Fathers. The sequel in the popularsports comedy franchise grossed $2.57m (Y302m) on 244 screens, for a strong $10,532per screen average. Flags Of Our ...

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    Ewan McGregor on board for HanWay's Franklyn


    Ewan McGregor will star inGerald McMorrow's Franklyn, whichwill shoot on location in the UK in summer 2007. UK stalwart Jeremy Thomas isproducing McMorrow's feature film debut based on his original screenplay. Thestory is about four lost souls in a futuristic London society where there is noseparation between church and state. ...

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    3DD signs deals with Hidden Treasures and Koch


    3DD Entertainment has signedexclusive distribution deals with Hidden Treasures Productions and KochEntertainment.The deal with HiddenTreasures covers worldwide DVD rights (excluding North America) to two-partdocumentary Secrets Of The Occult,about ancient and modern claims of the occult. The deal with Koch is forall rights, excluding North American DVD rights, to the 1980s ...

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    New $20m equity fund deals with Regent MB


    The new US equity fundMotion Picture Fund of America has raised its first $20m and signed a 12-film,three-year deal with financier, producer and distributor Regent MB of BeverlyHills and Munich.MPFA head Pete Maggi andco-manager Gino Dileo struck the deal with Regent co-presidents JeanetteBuerling and Maggie Monteith.The companies willco-finance four films ...

  • Reviews

    Scary Movie


    Dir: Keenen Ivory Wayans. US. 2000. 88 mins.Prod cos: Wayans Bros Entertainment, Gold-Miller, Brad Grey Pictures. US dist: Dimension Films. Int'l sales: Miramax International (+ 1 212 219 4100). Exec prods: Brad Grey, Peter Safran, Bo Zenga, Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein, Cary Granat, Peter Schwerin. Prods: Eric L Gold, Lee ...

  • News

    Myriad takes on sales for The Trailer Park Boys


    Myriad Pictures has securedworldwide rights excluding Canada to Mike Clattenburg's Canadian smash TrailerPark Boys: The Movie. The raucous comedy arriveson a wave of publicity following screenings at the Toronto International FilmFestival and is based on Clattenburg's long-running Canadian television serieson Showcase Television.Ivan Reitman served asexecutive producer on the feature-length version, ...

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    A-Film taps Erik Engelen for Belgium office


    Ambitious Dutch distributionoutfit A-Film is continuing to ramp up. Here in Santa Monica, company CEO PimHermeling has announced that former Paradiso executive Erik Engelen is to runthe company's new Belgian arm from the offices in Antwerp.Hermeling also revealed thatA-Film is looking to set up a production fund. The idea, he ...

  • News

    Levant to direct Ex Games for Bauer Martinez


    Bauer Martinez Studios hashired Brian Levant to direct the comedy Ex Games and is introducing the picture to buyers at AFM.The company swooped on WillFetters' screenplay about three men with failed marriages who plot to marry offtheir wives to avoid paying alimony, only for one of them to discover that ...

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    Grand Illusions teams with Steiner for equity, sets initial slate


    Jonathan Sanger, Ed Elbertand Sarah Ryan Black at Los Angeles-based Grand Illusions Entertainment haveannounced they will independently develop, package and fund feature andtelevision projects in the $5m to $30m range.David Steiner, owner ofSteiner Equities Group and Brooklyn-based Steiner Studios is on board asfinancial partner.Projects in the pipelineinclude the Fred Schepisi ...

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    Celestial to remake two Shaw Brothers classics


    Hong Kong-based CelestialPictures is introducing remakes of two martial arts classics in its ShawBrothers library - Five Deadly Venoms and The Flying Guillotine - here at the AFM and has attached leadingdirectors to both.Kirk Wong is set to direct FiveDeadly Venoms - to be producedby Celestial's vice president of new ...

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    Kathy Morgan takes on Mackenzie's Camille


    Kathy Morgan International(KMI) has picked up international rights to the fantasy romance Camille starring Sienna Miller and James Franco.KMI will show buyers a promoreel on the project, which is in post-production and is being produced by AlRuddy and directed by Gregory Mackenzie.Miller plays an idealisticyoung bride who goes on honeymoon ...

  • News

    Media 8 picks up One Night With The King


    Media 8 Entertainment has acquired international rights toGener8Xion Entertainment's Biblical drama One Night With The King.The Los Angeles-based sales agency has scheduled screenings at AFMof Michael O Sajbel's tale, which opened in the top 10 in North America lastmonth and has grossed more than $10m.One Night With The King centres ...

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    Capitol on board for new Knightley, Lohan film


    London-based sales companyCapitol Films has announced it has taken on financing and worldwide sales forJohn Maybury's The Best Time Of Our Lives and Rigoberto Castaneda's Blackout. The Best Time Of OurLives (working title) stars KeiraKnightley and Lindsay Lohan in the story of an unlikely friendship betweenDylan Thomas' former sweetheart Vera ...

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    McAuley joins Paramount Home Entertainment UK


    Charlie McAuley has beenappointed managing director for Paramount Home Entertainment UK and Ireland.Based in London, he will oversee marketing, sales and distribution in thoseterritories and will report to Don Hunton, senior vice president of Paramount HomeEntertainment, Asia Pacific, UK and Ireland.McAuley previously worked atUniversal Pictures International where he served as ...

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    Fintage House renews Hungarian contract for Said Boudarga


    Globalentertainment services company Fintage House has renewed its contract with SaidBoudarga until the end of 2010. Boudarga has been with FIntage since 2000 andwill continue as managing director of the Budapest-based Fintage Magyar,supervising the office and international licensing agreements and royalty collections.'Said is keyexecutive in our Film & Television division ...

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    Kinowelt expands into Poland with Best Film


    German mini-studio Kinowelt has launched a joint distribution venture with Poland's Best Film, confirming the company's intention to set up its own distribution operations across Eastern Europe (Screendaily, January 19).The new venture, Best Film International, is expected to take over as distributor of all Kinowelt's films in Poland and to ...

  • News

    Future Films opens US office to cash-flow state credits


    London-based film financingand production company Future Films is launching a new US office with the aimof cash flowing the growing number of state-sponsored film productionincentives. Simon Horsman will be CEO of Future Films USA LLC, which will bebased in Los Angeles.Future's US arm will havemore direct contact with projects and ...

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    Lena Headey tapped for next Sean Ellis feature


    UK actress Lena Headey hasbeen cast as the female lead in Sean Ellis' forthcoming spy thriller Broken. Ellis is writing anddirecting with Lene Bausager producing. The London-based shoot starts nextweek. The plot follows a woman who leaves a coffee shop and sees herselfdriving past in a car. Ellis, previously aphotographer, ...

  • News

    Don Letts signs development deal with Fremantle


    UK director Don Letts hassigned a first-look development deal with FremantleMedia Enterprises, toprimarily develop music and pop culture documentaries. Fremantle gets the rightsto develop and exploit Letts' ideas across its TV, home entertainment andancillary businesses. The deal was brokered by Pete Kalhan, the company'ssenior vice president, home entertainment & archive ...