Small MPU – Page 429
Horror summer for Korean cinema
South Korea'scinematic output over the next few months will be concentrated less on festivalofferings and more on potential box-office hits.With a string ofhorror titles and star vehicles lined up for mid to late summer, local cinemawill be looking for some commercial successes to tide it over until the autumn,which is ...
Toronto unveils first festival titles
New films from Taylor Hackford, JohnSayles, Dylan Kidd will make their world premieres at the Toronto InternationalFilm Festival (Sept 9-18). The festival unveiled a number of titles across thespectrum of its selection, including two world premieres from South Africa, thefocus of this year's national spotlight programmeHackford's Ray, a biopic of ...
Russia revs up race car drama
Leading Russianproduction outfit Top Line Productions, headed by Sergei Gribkov, is set to begin shooting this week on a newproject, car racing drama Eau Rouge (Krasnaya Voda).The film will be directed byyoung Russian director Dmitry Cherkasov with a script by playwright OlegAntonov. Shooting, which will last throughout the summer, will ...
Locarno names Swiss showcase titles
Filmsby veteran director Alain Tanner, documentary filmmaker Ulrike Koch andanimator Georges Schwizgebel are among the line-up for this year's"Appellations Suisse" showcase of new Swiss cinema to be presented atthe forthcoming Locarno International Film Festival (August 4-14).The complete line-up for the "Appellations Suisse"showcase, which is aimed primarily at international buyers and ...
IFP/LA announces details of August Screenwriters Lab
IFP/LA has named theparticipants in its 2004 Screenwriters Lab, which recently kicked off and runsinto August.The lab aims to helpindependent screenwriters improve their skills and develop unique voices aswriters and will feature The Dangerous Lives Of Altar Boys screenwriter Jeff Stockwell as lab instructor.Confirmed guest speakersinclude Patty Jenkins (Monster),Larry Karaszeswki ...
Domestic box office up 5% on first six months 2003
At the half-way point in thecalendar year, official figures released by Nielsen EDI show North American boxoffice to be tracking 5% ahead of the same period last year.Chief drivers areDreamworks' Shrek 2 on $418.5m,Newmarket's The Passion Of The Christ on $370.2m, Sony's Spider-Man 2 on $256.4m, and Warner Bros' Harry ...
Taxi 2 becomes France's biggest ever opener
Taxi 2, produced by Luc Besson's Leeloo Productions and distributed by Arp Selection, has smashed the all-time opening day record in France, attracting a massive 759,152 admissions from 830 screens. Taxi 2 is the highly-anticipated follow-up to 1998 hit Taxi which became the fourth highest grossing hit in France in ...
First Look restructures legal department
First Look Media isrestructuring its legal department following the promotion of Doug McClure togeneral counsel, business and legal affairs.Kian Ghaffari will continueto report to McClure as director of business and legal affairs under anexpanded brief that will feature a more active role in video acquisitions.James Fagen is joining thecompany as ...
AFMA is now IFTA to reflect global concerns
Following extensivereorganisation that has seen the American Film Market (AFM) move to a Novemberslot and link up with the AFI Fest, AFMA has switched its name to theIndependent Film & Television Alliance (IFTA).It is understood the changeresponded to a need for a name that more clearly identified independentproducer and distributor ...
Edinburgh announces festival programme
Boasting six world premieres and 40 UK premieres, theEdinburgh International Film Festival has launched a 2004 programme aiming todefend its position as the premiere UK Festival for British cinema.Facingcompetition from a revitalised London Film Festival and the recent Londonscreenings, Edinburgh will host premieres of Shane Meadows gritty ganglandthriller Dead Man's ...
Locarno goes on 'journey of exploration'
Locarno's festival directorIrene Bignardi promises 'a journey of exploration' for this year'sInternational Competition line-up with films from France to Vietnam, fromKazakhstan to Belgium and from South Africa to India.'We chose the titleswhich had most to say about the tumultuous upheaval of the world today - andthe most pertinent, impertinent and ...
Locarno goes on 'journey of exploration'
Locarno's festival directorIrene Bignardi promises "a journey of exploration" for this year'sInternational Competition (Aug 4-14)line-up with films from France to Vietnam, fromKazakhstan to Belgium and from South Africa to India."We chose the titleswhich had most to say about the tumultuous upheaval of the world today - andthe most pertinent, impertinent ...
With the major studioskeeping their big releases away from Shrek 2 in the UK this week it wasleft to the independents to make the headlines in the chart.Headlines were certainly madeby Optimum Releasing. The distributor released Michael Moore's documentary Fahrenheit9/11 on 132 screens setting records for best documentary opening ever ...
Canada'sembrace of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 offers more ammunition to USRepublicans who fear that their northern neighbour may one day join the US.Thefilm has earned $8.6m (C$11.5m) in 17 days at the Canadian box office, a sumequivalent to 14% of the North American gross in that period according to JimSherry, ...
Shrek 2 led the box office at Hungarian cinemas over the weekend.Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights came closest to challenging ogre-mania, but fell wayshort with just over 10,000 admissions on 15 prints to Shrek's 85,000.Hidalgo was clearly the disappointment of the week with a mere 8,500 admissions ontwenty prints while ...
SWEDEN 14 July
Columbia TriStar's successful July 7 release of Spider-Man 2finally toppled Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban from the topspot of the Swedish chart.The second film in the Spiderman series improved the first films' fiveday results with 6%, and had a massive $9,618 screen average on its high 118prints.The Day ...
As Spider-Man 2 opened with $23,268 for theweekend to add to a total of $60,062 from 16,254 admissions including previews,distributor Tuck is now behind the top four films in the Serbian-Montenegrinchart.Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban follows with 3,296 tickets in its thirdweekend and total of $140,456; while the ...
Vivendi Universal sells Babelberg studios
VivendiUniversal (VU) has sold the historic Babelsberg Studios to a group of Germaninvestors led by Carl Woebcken, managing director of Berlin Animation Film, andChristoph Fisser, managing director of the Munich studio facility StudioAtelierbetriebe Schwabing (SAS).VU sold the studios for the symbolic price of Euros 1. TheWoebcken-Fisser group will assume Euros ...
Dench, Sutherland round out Pride cast
Judi Dench, DonaldSutherland, Brenda Blethyn, Tom Hollander and Penelope Wilton have joined thecast of Working Title Films' Pride And PrejudicePrincipal photography startson July 19 on the adaptation of Jane Austen's novel. The film, which starsKeira Knightley, Matthew Macfadyen, Rosamund Pike and Jena Malone, will shootentirely on location around England until ...
ContentFilm blames Winchester for loss
UK-US producer, distributorand sales company ContentFilm has posted a pre-tax group loss of £15.2m for theyear ending March 31.The loss includes an £8mwrite down against the film library Content acquired when it took overpublicly-listed UK media group Winchester Entertainment. It marks a £4m rise onthe loss recorded for the year ...