Small MPU – Page 438

  • News

    Regas joins Premier Public Relations in Los Angeles


    Beve Regas hasjoined the Los Angeles offices of Premier Public Relations (PPR), where shewill oversee international theatrical marketing and publicity campaigns for thecompany's roster of clients.Regas willreport to PPR president Pamela Godwin-Austen, who said the new arrival'sexpertise in film and television across the independent and mainstream marketsmade her a "valuable ...

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    Hyde Park sets flag in UK with Brass Hat partnership


    Ashok Amritraj's Hyde ParkEntertainment has cemented a five-year partnership with London-based investmentfirm The Brass Hat Group whereby Brass Hat will be Hyde Park's financing andproduction partner in the UK.Brass Hat, which is headedby Nick Hamson and Matthew Goldsmith, has agreed to raise production fundingexclusively for Hyde Park projects in the ...

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    Simonds signs first-look deal with Panther studio MGM


    The PinkPanther producer RobertSimonds, who began his career as a production trainee at MGM, has returned tothe studio with a first-look deal.First up will be a remake of the 1968 family comedy Yours,Mine & Ours, which originally starredLucille Ball and Henry Fonda.Simonds has justwrapped production on The Pink Panther, which ...

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    It's Mueller time: Venice overflows with US talent


    The Venice Film Festival (Sep 1-11) has unveiled an eclecticline-up which features a strong US contingent, celebrated European auteurs and,following in the footsteps of Cannes, the Lido's first animation in competitionin thirty years.In presenting the line-up on Thursday in Rome, thefestival's new artistic director, Marco Mueller, singled out the strength ...

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    Berlin funding agency dishes out Euros 3m


    New films by Andreas Dresen, Eoin Moore, Hans-Christian Schmid,John Stephenson and Sven Unterwaldt are among 12 projects backed with overEuros 3m by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg in its latest round of funding.The largest amount - over Euros 1m - went to Constantin Film'sdrama Siegfried, to be directed by Sven Unterwaldt from a ...

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    London studio sold to Mayor's development agency


    The LondonDevelopment Agency is poised to acquire 3 Mills Studios, the East Londontelevision and film studios, as part of a drive to boost London's creativeindustries.Thestudios will be managed by the LDA with the advice of industry body FilmLondon, the new strategic body responsible for supporting filming in London andpromoting London ...

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    Comic trio scoop Orange Screenwriting Prize


    The 2000 Orange Prize for Screenwriting has been awarded to three comedies from new British writers: The Alchemist, written by Simon Rose, Feet Up by Ewan Kilgour and The Wedding Gift by Lisa Flett.The three projects, which were chosen from more than 1,000 entries, were awarded a cash prize of ...

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    MGM staunches red ink, stays mum on 007


    Dropping no hints about sales talks or the identity of the nextJames Bond actor, MGM announced second quarter results that revealed adrastically reduced net loss and $33.6m in net cash from operating activities.Second quarter revenues fell from $487.7m for the sameperiod last year to $406.1m.Second quarter 2003 results were boosted ...

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    I, Robot embarks on biggest international weekend yet


    Columbia's Spider-Man 2 should swing past $300m at the international box officethis weekend, while Fox International's I, Robot embarks on its biggest weekend yet,buoyed by an estimated $1.2m opening day on 770 prints in France this week.The sci-fi thriller, which headlines Will Smith, is expected to boost its $10.3minternational running ...

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    Sutherland, Harden, Reed shoot for IFC's American Gun


    Donald Sutherland, Marcia Gay Harden and Nikki Reed have joinedthe cast of Aric Avelino's ensemble drama American Gun, which began shooting in Los Angelesearlier this month and will open in the US through IFC Films.Sutherland plays the owner of a Virginian gun store whoselife becomes entangled with those of a ...

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    Tailor-Made teams with Plan B to co-produce The Apologist


    London-based Tailor-MadeFilms has teamed with Brad Pitt, Brad Grey and Jennifer Aniston's Plan B toco-produce the film of Jay Rayner's novel The Apologist.The book, which has alreadybeen published in the UK and will be published in the US in August by Simon& Schuster under the title Eating Crow, is the ...

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    Montreal first titles include premiere of Black documentary


    The MontrealWorld Film Festival will present the world premieres of German filmmakerAndreas Struck's Sugar Orange, Australian director Chris Kennedy's comedy A Man's Gotta Do, and Canadian documentarian DebbieMelnyk's Citizen Black,a film about newspaper baron Conrad Black. The feature-length documentaryfeatures interviews with Donald Trump, Henry Kissinger, Richard Perle andBlack's wife, journalist ...

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    Venice unveils inaugural Directors' Fortnight


    Venice Days, the Lido's first ever Directors Fortnight, willfeature 12 titles, including UK director Shane Meadows' Dead Man's Shoes and Danish director Anders Ronnow-Klarlund's Strings.The section, which is headed by Giorgio Gosetti, formerdirector of Italia Cinema, will also include two French films, three Italianfilms, and one Russian film.In all, seven ...

  • Reviews

    The Village


    Dir/sc: M. NightShyamalan. US 2004. 107 minsOstensibly setin the late 19th Century (though the precise period is not specified until latein the final reel), The Village is anarch and eccentric affair. M. Night Shyamalan's craftsmanship and originalityare not in doubt, but his attempts to combine Blair Witch-like horror with ScarletLetter-style ...

  • Reviews



    Dir: Michael Mann. US. 2004. 119 mins. An intriguing noir thriller with an arresting digitalvideo look, Collateral returns masterstylist Michael Mann to the crime genre in which he first made his reputationand earned his loyal cineaste following. If the finished product never achievesthe intensity of Mann's 1995 crime classic Heat- ...

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    Northern Arts acquires Avati's Cannes hit Incantato


    Northern Arts Entertainment in association with Artistic LicenseFilms and marketing experts Palisades Pictures Entertainment has picked up PupiAvati's romantic comedy Incantato (Il Cuore Altrove).The Italian-language picture was a hit at Cannes 2003 and earnedAvati a best director di Donatello award the same year. It will open in NewYork on Sept ...

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    Locarno announces first Excellence Award


    Russian actor Oleg Menchikov (pictured) is to be the first recipient of the Locarno Excellence Award, created by the festival to celebrate the work of an actor or actress.Born in 1960, Menchikov has worked in television and film on such productions as Burnt By The Sun, The Barber of Siberia, ...

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    Chadha looks to cast $90m Jeannie


    Anglo-Asian director Gurinder Chadha is shortly to start casting on Jeannie, her first big-budget studio film. An Arabian Nights-style fantasy adventure which is also a prequel to the long-running TV series, I Dream Of Jeannie, the film is set in Persia in 200 BC and in the contemporary US.The central ...

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    Johnny To undertakes first production as financier


    Milkyway Image, prolific Hong Kong filmmaker Johnny To's production entity, is to make its first investment in a film, despite the company having produced about 30 films since the mid-1990s.Election (working title) tracks a democratic election held within the world of triads, a subject To confidently expects to have strong ...

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    Deauville reveals 30th anniversary details


    Although its full official line up will not be announced until August 19, the Deauville Festival of American Film has provided some hints about the upcoming 30th anniversary event.The Prix Michel d'Ornano, which was created as an aid to writers and which rewards a debut feature length film, will go ...