Small MPU – Page 451

  • News

    Hong Kong selects foreign-language Oscar entry


    Johnnie To and Wai Ka-fai's Running On Karma has been selected as Hong Kong's official entryfor the best foreign-language film category of next year's Academy AwardsThe decision was announced by Crucindo Hung, chairman of theFederation of Motion Film Producers of Hong Kong, who praised the film forcombining elements of mainstream ...

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    Deauville unveils 30th anniversary programme


    The Deauville Festival of American Film has announced itsprogramme for the upcoming 30th anniversary event.Set to run from September 3 - 12, the festival's jury willbe headed by Claude Lelouch. The director, whose relationship with the seasideNormandy town can be traced back to his seminal film A Man And A ...

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    Constantin, Impact join forces to build Stonehenge


    Jeremy Bolt and Paul Anderson's UK and US-based production outfit Impact Pictures is partnering with German powerhouse Constantin Film on an adaptation of historical epic Stonehenge 2000 BC.The two companies will jointly produce the picture with Constantin taking worldwide rights in all media. Paul Anderson is to direct subject to ...

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    HONG KONG Production Listings - August 19


    HONG KONG - August 19PRE-PRODUCTIONINVINCIBLE ARMOUR(I-Animation Ltd) Co-prods: Yuk LongMultimedia, Mandarin Films. Budget: US$2.3m. Backers: Yuk Long Multimedia,Mandarin Films, I-Animation. Int'l sales: Mandarin Films Distribution.Animation. Animated feature film (2D and 3D) based on the action-packed comicbook Magic Weapons. Exec prods: Tony Wong, Raymond Wong, Man Kung. Prod: TonyWong. Dir: Tony ...

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    Hong Kong pins hopes on history, horror


    The summer boxoffice period has been disappointing for Hong Kong productions. Although localfilms were starting to claw back market share earlier in the year, they've lostout whenever they've squared off against Hollywood's tentpole summer releases.But Hong Kong producers remain bullish in the long-term and several big-budgetprojects - aimed at the ...

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    Horas De Luz joins San Sebastian competition


    Spanish production HorasDe Luz has been added to the official competition of the San SebastianInternational Film Festival (Sept 17-25).The Sogecine title from director Manolo Matji stars EmmaSuarez (former Julio Medem muse) and Alberto San Juan (Football Days) in the true story-inspired tale of redemption andlove between a convicted murderer and ...

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    French producers decry planned tax credit change


    French producers are up in arms following news that fiscallegislators are proposing changes to the tax credit system which came intoeffect in January of this year.The tax credit, or credit d'impot, currently allowsproductions and co-productions, which qualify as French under French film board(CNC) guidelines, to write off between 10% and ...

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    India mulls production fund with tax incentives


    India's government is considering setting up a $45m seed fund to finance its national film sector.A government committee, headed by N. K. Singh, has proposed a venture capital fund that would be managed through an asset management company based in India, with all contributions made to the fund to be ...

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    CMG takes international rights to Venezuelan drama Punto Y Raya


    Los Angeles-based CinemaManagement Group (CMG) has picked up exclusive international distributionrights to Elia Schneider's Venezuelan drama Punto Y Raya, which recently won best picture at the Los AngelesLatino International Film Festival.CMG will seek to licensethe picture immediately and plans market screenings in Los Angeles and in SantaMonica at the upcoming ...

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    Zhang, Yeoh, Watanabe, Gong sign up for Memoirs Of A Geisha


    Zhang Ziyi, Michelle Yeoh, Ken Watanabe and Gong Li and are to star in the long-gestating Memoirs Of AGeisha adaptation, which RobMarshall will direct and Columbia Pictures is co-financing with DreamWorks andSpyglass Entertainment.Productionis set to begin in Los Angeles and Japan in September. Spyglass, which has afirst-look,non-exclusive deal with ...

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    Sabatini named svp physical production at MGM


    Veteranproduction executive Diane Sabatini has been named senior vice president ofphysical production at MGM.Sabatinihas worked for the past decade as production supervisor orproductioncoordinator on a dozen movies and her credits include Armageddon, Batman & Robin, The Rock, 21 Grams, and Anchorman: TheLegend Of Ron Burgundy.Executivevice president of production Andy Davis ...

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    Universal, Focus strike multi-year deals with Vertigo


    UniversalPictures and specialty division Focus Features have signed multi-yearagreements with Roy Lee and Doug Davison's dynamic production outfitVertigo Entertainment.Specifically, Universal Pictures has entered into afirst-look agreement with Vertigo, arguably Hollywood's leading Asiangenre remake specialists, for feature development and production, with Vertigoretaining the option to co-finance certain projects.Focuswill act as Vertigo's ...

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    The Village gears up for first major launches through BVI


    M NightShyamalan's latestmystery The Village launches in its first major markets in the UK and France this weekendthrough Buena Vista International (BVI).While thepicture's domestic performance has been below par by Shyamalan'sstandards, international prospects should be promising. The picture opened in Franceon Aug 18 and goes out in the UK on ...

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    Alliance seeks licence for joint venture with BBC


    Several Canadian entertainment companies including Alliance Atlantis Broadcasting, have applied for licences to operate digital specialty channels in the latest request for proposals by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. Among Alliance's proposals, which include channels devoted to independent film, books and biographical documentaries, is a partnership with BBC Worldwide ...

  • Dead Man's Shoes

    Dead Man's Shoes


    Dir: Shane Meadows. UK.2004. 90mins

  • News

    FRANCE 20 August


    King Arthur held the number one spot at the box office forits second week out with Spider-Man 2jumping up to the second spot and knocking out I, Robot which fell tonumber five, 37% off the previous week's take.Hellboy debuted at number three with 337,501admissions followed by the Garfieldmovie which performed ...

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    Zabaltegi unveils festivals' top titles


    Walter Salles' TheMotorcycle Diaries, Joshua Marston's MariaFull Of Grace, Mike Leigh's VeraDrake and three memorable documentaries are among the thirteen titlesselected by the San Sebastian International Film Festival (Sept 17-25) for itspopular "Festivals' Top" selection of hits from other festivals.Calling this year's selection "daring," San Sebastian haschosen three documentaries for ...

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    HONG KONG 20 August


    Emperor MotionPicture Group's The Twins Effect IIhas scored the highest opening of the year so far for a local film, grossingUS$1.4m from 65 screens.The film has notoutpaced the original, which grossed US$2m in its opening week last July, butis nonetheless a welcome boost for the local industry which has struggledagainst ...

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    New film sales company opens in Germany


    Germany's film sales community has a new player with thelaunch of Sola Media.Managed by Norwegian-born Solveig Langeland (pictured),Sola Media's initial sales line-upincludes Dito Tsintsadze's San Sebastian-winner Gun Shy (Schussangst), Pepe Danquart's latest feature film C(r)ook, Bernd Sahling's German FilmAward-winning children's film Blindflyers(Blindgaenger), the live-action/animation children's film Alby (Pumuckl) and Tony ...

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    Slovenia has new box office champion


    Slovenian comedy CheeseAnd Jam has become the most successful local film of all time in theterritory.The film was directed by Branko Djuric, star of the AcademyAward winning No Man's Land.Cheese And Jam wasreleased on 13 November 2003 and as of 4 August 2004 it has been seen by 153,163 viewers. ...