Small MPU – Page 454

  • News

    New Romanian film festival seeks direction


    The new Romanian Film Festival, Anonimul (the Anonymous) iscurious in more than name. A great potential, looking for great content, theevent is located in a brand new village built specifically for art events ofthis kind, in the heart of the Danube Delta wildlife sanctuary.To get there, you fly to Bucharest, ...

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    UK/IRELAND 24 August


    M Night Shyamalan made it four in a row when his latestfilm, The Village, took the lead atthe UK box office when it was released wide across the territory last weekend.Claiming the top spot from last week's leader The Bourne Supremacy - which saw a 34% dropoff from the previous ...

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    Fox strikes 'visionary' deal with Russia's Channel One


    TwentiethCentury Fox has picked up worldwide rights excluding Russia and the Balticstates to Channel One's Russian-language horror sensation Night Watch and its sequel Day Watch.FoxSearchlight Pictures will release both titles and the studio's main divisionwill co-develop, co-finance and release a third, English-language instalmentwith Channel One, Russia's leading film and television ...

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    Eleven filmmakers receive Sundance doc grants


    TheSundance Institute Documentary Fund has announced its second round of grantsfor 2004, with 11 feature-length documentaries from more than 400 submissionsset to receive a total of $435,000.Thefund was established at the Sundance Institute in 2002 by a grant from the OpenSociety Institute, principally to support US and international pictures thatfocus ...

  • My_Summer_Of_Love.jpg

    My Summer Of Love


    Dir: PawelPawlikowski. UK. 2004. 83mins

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    SWEDEN 25 August


    A slew of new films hit the Swedish box-office this week,where the high 79 print roll out of the animated Garfield took over the top spot from I, Robot. Despite a solid $4,967 screen average, more than doubleup compared to both I, Robot's $2,316and King Arthur's $1,692, the newrelease of ...

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    Till joins Tiger Aspect board


    Stewart Till, former president of Universal Pictures International, has joined the board of leading UK TV company Tiger Aspect.Till joins the outfit's holding board as a non-executive director and will also take a position on the board of film arm Tiger Aspect Pictures. He joins with immediate effect.The move follows ...

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    DENMARK 25 August


    The Danish box-office, which has been hungry for new strongreleases, saw I, Robot easily takeover the top spot from Garfield witha strong DKK43,196 screen average on its 67 prints. The film, which was thefirst ever also to be screened digitally by major Nordisk Film, met nochallenge from this week's other ...

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    AUSTRALIA/ NEW ZEALAND Production Listings - August 25


    AUSTRALIA August 24IN PRE-PRODUCTIONTHE BOOK OF REVELATION(Wildheart Zizani) Backers: FilmFinance Corporation Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office, FilmVictoria, ContentFilm. Int'l sales: Content International. Dist: Palace Films(Aust/NZ). Drama. A dancer disappears without a trace for 12 days, then returnsjust as mysteriously. Prod: Al Clark. Dir: Ana Kokkinos. Scr: Andrew ...

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    Acclaimed directors lead Australia's upcoming slate


    The directors of three of the most highly acclaimedAustralian films of recent years, Ana Kokkinos, Rowan Woods and Ray Lawrence,are named within the country's upcoming slate of financed but still-to-be-madefilms.The Book OfRevelation, Ana Kokkinos's second film after Head On, and Little Fish,Rowan Woods' second film after The Boys,are being represented ...

  • Reviews

    The Taste Of Tea (Cha No Aji)


    Dir/scr/ed: IshiiKatsuhito. Japan. 2004. 143minsA little eccentricitygoes a long way in The Taste Of Tea, the third feature from IshiiKatsuhito that bills itself as a fusion of the classical humanist dramas of Ozuand the manga-shaped sensibility of a director who worked on the animationsequence in Tarantino's Kill Bill Vol 1.In ...

  • Reviews



    Dir. Saverio Costanzo.Italy. 2004. 92mins.Raw, gritty and uncompromising, Saverio Costanzo'saward-winning Locarno debut is a thought provoking and painfully realisticimage of living under occupation. As such, it is likely to become a favouriteon the festival circuit (it already has a berth in Toronto's Discovery sectionnext month) and a leading exponent of ...

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    Pinewood Shepperton profits surge


    Pinewood Shepperton hasposted strong figures for its first interim results since floating in May.The film studio combineposted pro-forma profits of £3.8m for the six months to June, up 31.6% on thesame period last year. Studio facilities' sales rose more than 10%, hitting£11.3 m, on the back of Charlie And The ...

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    San Sebastian lines up political documentaries


    Six political themeddocumentaries - including Oliver Stone's Looking For Fidel and BasqueCountry-set Persecuted - have been invited to screenat nextmonth's San Sebastian International Film Festival (Sept 17-25) as part of itsOpen Zone (Zabaltegi) sectionThe festival also has addedfive new films, four of them documentaries, to its Latin Horizons sidebar, allout ...

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    Faivre embarks on double shoot


    Shootinghas begun on a new project from producer Bertrand Faivre. Sauf Le Respect Que Je Vous Dois, whose English title is Burn Out, began principal photographylast month in Paris and will carry on for another four weeks in Paris and theprovinces.Directed byFabienne Godet, Burn Out stars 2002Cannes best actor prize ...

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    Martial arts stars align for Yip action drama


    Three generations of martial artists have joined forces forWilson Yip's upcoming action drama SPL (working title), which is nearingthe end of a four-month shoot in Hong Kong.Produced by Carl Chang with backing from Abba Chan's AbbaMovies, the US$3.8m (HK$30m) film stars martial arts veteran Sammo Hung alongwith Donnie Yen and ...

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    Apollo plans luxury 'club class' cinemas in UK


    UK independent exhibitor Apollo Cinemas has unveiled a £50mthree-year development programme to bring luxury cinemas to UK town centres.At a time when the major cinema players are undergoingconsolidation, the move underscores the long-term confidence in the market -and especially for premium rate 'event destinations'.This week the company launched its new ...

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    New Line Int'l pacts with newcomer Nexo in Italy


    New Line International (NLI) has closed a round of package deals on its upcoming product and is finalising a new partnership in Italy with start-up distribution company Nexo Pictures.Nexo, which was formed by cinema-owner Ernesto Di Sarro, contingent on the New Line deal, has taken eight pictures initially - Frequency, ...

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    BVI masterminds King Arthur comeback


    Itwas a great week for Buena Vista International (BVI) at the international boxoffice last weekend as King Arthur and The Village claimed thetop two positions.Sixweeks after its international debut King Arthur took the international boxoffice crown boosted by a handful of new openings - led by a number one debutin ...

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    First Look, Content Film call off merger


    First LookMedia and ContentFilm have "mutuallyagreed" to end the merger discussions that had been underway since thecompanies signed a non-binding letter of intent in June. In a statement, thetwo parties said they were "unable to resolve certain businessissues." "Both companies determined that itwas not in the best interests of either ...