Small MPU – Page 460

  • News

    Newmarket takes North American rights to three from Trust


    Newmarket Filmshas acquired North American rights to a trio of Scandinavian pictures fromTrust Film Sales - Old, New, Borrowed And Blue, In Your Hands, and Daybreak.Natasha Arthy'sDanish bittersweet romantic comedy Old, New, Borrowed And Blue won the 2003 Grand Jury Award in the AFIFEST's International Feature Competition; it stars Sidse ...

  • News

    Full Toronto line-up 2004


    Features are marked with an (F) after the film title.GALA PRESENTATIONSWorld PremiereARSÈNE LUPIN (F)Jean-Paul Salome, France / United Kingdom / Spain / Italy, 2004World PremiereBEING JULIA (F)István Szabo, Canada / United Kingdom / Hungary, 2004World PremiereBEYOND THE SEA (F)Kevin Spacey, United Kingdom / Germany, 2004North American PremiereCLEAN (F)Olivier Assayas, France ...

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    Full Toronto line-up 2004


    Features are marked with an (F) after the film title.GALA PRESENTATIONSWorld PremiereARSÈNE LUPIN (F)Jean-Paul Salome, France / United Kingdom / Spain / Italy, 2004World PremiereBEING JULIA (F)István Szabo, Canada / United Kingdom / Hungary, 2004World PremiereBEYOND THE SEA (F)Kevin Spacey, United Kingdom / Germany, 2004North American PremiereCLEAN (F)Olivier Assayas, France ...

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    Creep, Dead Birds lead Midnight line-up


    The worldpremiere of Christopher Smith's UK-German subway thriller Creep is one of the highlights of 10 titlesset to screen in the 17th Midnight Madness programme at the TorontoInternational Film Festival.Franka Potentestars as a drowsy commuter who takes the last train of the night into aterrifying maze of catacombs where she ...

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    Evans to receive Leadership Award


    Legendary Hollywood producer Robert Evans is to be presented withthe Leadership Award at a gala evening for charity Best Buddies during thisyear's Toronto International Film Festival.The Sept 13 event will see Evans, producer of The Godfatherand Chinatown among other classics, join a list of previous awardwinners that includes Muhammad Ali, ...

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    Venice engulfed by protesters and ticketing chaos


    The screams of the crowds and paparazzi who met AlPacino's arrival at the Venice Film Festival at the weekend almost paledin comparison to the chaos and ruckus caused by Italian anti-globalisationactivists, temporary workers in the French entertainment industry, and theBiennale's ticketing system that went completely haywire causingdouble-booking and massive delays ...

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    Nair develops Namesake project


    In Venice for the festival screening of Vanity Fair, Mira Nair has revealed details of her next project, an adaptation of Jhumpa Lahiri's 2001 Pulitzer Prize winning novel, The Namesake.The novel tells the story of a Calcutta family who leave India to come to Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the US in ...

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    Rank puts Deluxe up for sale


    The UK's Rank Grouphas put its Deluxe Film and Deluxe Media division on the block after profitsfell by nearly a third at the division.Chief executive Mike Smithsaid the board in principle believed it would be an opportune time to divestthe Deluxe units. Profit at the division, which replicates and distributesfilms, ...

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    Robbins speaks out against Bush at the Biennale


    In Venice for the festival screening of Embedded Live (the film version of his play about the US march to war in Iraq), Oscar-winning actor-director Tim Robbins has again launched a ferocious attack on the Bush administration. Speaking yesterday to the international press, Robbins expressed his fears that George W. ...

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    01 Distribution in Flux with new acquisitions


    Exactly three years after it launched its 01 Distributionlabel at the Venice Film Festival, Rai Cinema is lining-up what it describes asits hottest slate to date.New acquisitions include Lakeshore's Sci-Fi movie AeonFlux, which Charlize Theron was shooting inGermany until she suffered a neck injury a few days ago, forcing the ...

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    Medusa unveils 'selective' slate


    Italy's leading producer and distributor, Medusa, islining up a selective slate of new productions and acquisitions, which includeDanny Boyle's Toronto-headed title, Millions, and Robert Altman's Paint.Medusa vice-president Giampaolo Letta said the Fininvest-ownedcompany recently picked up local rights to Millions, which is sold by Pathe International.The Rome-based outfit has also bought ...

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    Vargas Llosa named as San Sebastian jury chief


    Writer Mario Vargas Llosa has been named as the jurypresident at this year's San Sebastian International Film Festival (Sept17-25), which has closed its official line-up with the announcement of specialscreenings, awards and juries.The rest of the official selection jury comprises YaminaBenguigui, Tom DiCillo, Marta Esteban, Laura Morante, Eduardo Serra and ...

  • News

    AUSTRALIA 6 September


    Two of the three most popular films in cinemas on theweekend are openers. They are BVI's TheVillage, which grossed A$3,117,621 from 290 screens, and Columbia TriStar's13 Going On 30, which grossedA$1,783,128 from 221 screens. Separating them was UIP's The Bourne Supremacy, which sold A$2,585,052 work of tickets to 311screens on ...

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    HONG KONG 6 September


    Columbia TriStar's Anacondas: The Hunt For The Blood Orchidtopped the box office in a lacklustre week with US$444,729 from 22 screens.Nick Cassavetes' The Notebook, distributed in Hong Kongby Intercontinental Film Distributors, took US$100,949 from five screens whichgave it the second highest screen average of the week. The other new openers ...

  • Reviews

    A Love Song For Bobby Long


    Dir:Shainee Gabel. USA. 2004. 119mins.Oldtrooper Travolta meets rising star Johansson in A Love Song For Bobby Long,a fragile but charming slice of New Orleans bohemiana. It was a nice idea togive the on-screen stand-off between their two characters (he a washed-up,alcoholic former university professor; she a stroppy school dropout with ...

  • Reviews

    Finding Neverland


    Dir: Marc Forster. US.2004. 101mins.It may have been given atitle more redolent of a cheesy TV movie, but anchored by another knockoutperformance by Johnny Depp, Finding Neverland is destined to get plentyof big screen attention later this year.Miramax Films can count onrunaway word-of-mouth and big-time returns both on awards podiums ...

  • Reviews

    The Sea Inside (Mar Adentro)


    Dir: Alejandro Amenabar.Spain. 2004. 127mins.Though Alejandro Amenabar's new film screened only athird of the way into the Venice festival, the gut feeling after the earlypress screening on the Lido was that we had just been watching the Leone D'Oro.Still only 32, Amenabar proves with this moving study of a quadraplegic ...

  • News

    Record summer for German box office


    Germany has witnessed a box office boom over the summermonths, with new figures showing admissions and takings to be at an all timehigh for the key May-August period.Box office takings of Euros 302.7m and admissions of 51.8mare more than 30% higher compared to the same period last year (Euros 216.6mand ...

  • News

    Turkey, UAE 'fastest growing' Middle East markets


    Turkey and the United Arab Emirates are the fastest growingcinema markets in the Middle East region, according to a new report by DodonaResearch.Expansion in screen numbers in Turkey (by 179% to 945) andthe UAE (almost fourfold to 142) over the 1995 to 2003 period was the catalystfor rapid growth in ...

  • News

    Japan readies World War II dramas


    Japanese studios are readying a spate of action filmscentred on World War II.Back in the mid-1990s Japanese studios also released anumber of films commemorating the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II.Many were produced or directed by members of the war generation and looked backon the fallen much ...