Small MPU – Page 461

  • News

    Harper promoted to vice chairman at Fox


    Robert Harperhas been promoted to vice chairman of Fox Filmed Entertainment (FFE), where hewill assume new global strategic, creative and managerial responsibilities withparticular focus on interdivisional synergy.Harper joinedthe Fox marketing department in 1985, rising to president four years later. Hewent on to become an independent producer based on the lot ...

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    VIP backs three more Hollywood projects


    Leading German private mediafund VIP Medienfonds is to invest in new features by Steven Zaillian, BruceBeresford and Paul McGuigan - in addition to its joint venture with RolandEmmerich.The VIP 3 and VIP 4 fundswill be partnering Columbia Pictures for Zaillian's $74m All The King's Menwhich is being produced by Mike ...

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    INTERNATIONAL 16 December


    The Incredibles currently seems unstoppable at the top of theinternational chart with its latest weekend gross nearly double that of thesecond placed title. Last weekend saw a number one debut in Germany gross $5.7m(Euro 4.3m) from 751,000 admissions adding to holdover territories and takingthe animated film passed $150m internationally.In German-speakingSwitzerland ...

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    BBC should invest more in UK films, say MPs


    The BBC should invest more inBritish film production and in showcasing UK films on its television channels,says an influential report drafted by Members of Parliament.The House of Commons CultureCommittee investigation into the BBC is published today as part of the processleading up to the corporation's Charter renewal at the end ...

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    Leading French producer Rene Cleitman dies


    Leading French producer ReneCleitman, who founded the Hachette Premiere empire, died yesterday aged 64.Specialising in large-budgetand event pictures, Cleitman produced over 20 features including the five-timesOscar nominee Cyrano De Bergerac, Tenue De Soiree, The Horseman On The Roof,Tango, Monsieur Hire and Urga.He also became the inadvertentvillain of Lost In La ...

  • Reviews



    Dir: Joe Mantegna. US. 2000. 98 mins.Prod cos: Oregon Trail Films, One Vibe Entertainment. Int'l sales: contact Oregon Trail Films (+ 1 503 250 5858). Prods: Joe Mantegna, Eric R Epperson, Tony Mamet, Morris Ruskin. Exec prod: Alan James. Scr: David Mamet. DoP: Paul Sarossy. Prod des: Thomas Carnegie. Ed: ...

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    Berjon named as Cannes Critics' Week director


    Jean-Christophe Berjon has beennamed as the new director for International Critics' Week at Cannes.Elected by the French Unionof Film Critics, he succeeds Claire Clouzot.The 40-year-old Berjon is atheatre director and drama professor for the Florent School in Paris. Since1998 he headed the Annuel du cinema publication and also serves as ...

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    Ocelot readies Kirikou animation sequel


    Spain's Intuition Films andnewly-created S2 International are set to co-produce director Michel Ocelot'sfollow-up to animated hit Kirikou And The Sorcerer, Azur And Asmar.The Euros 10mFrench-language animated film will also involve talents such as 3D director MacGuff, animation director Kyle Badla, art director Daniel Cacoault and composerYoussou N'Dour.Production will get underwayin ...

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    Packer sells - and jointly buys - Hoyts


    Australian media mogul Kerry Packer's private company Consolidated Press Holdings (CPH) is selling Hoyts, but the Australian and New Zealand cinema chain is staying in the family.Two publicly-listed companies, West Australian Newspapers Holdings and Publishing and Broadcasting Ltd (PBL) - nearly 40% of which is owned by CPH - ...

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    Charlie to open on IMAX the same day as 35mm


    Warner Bros continued tonurture its growing relationship with IMAX Corp with news yesterday (16) thatTim Burton's Charlie And The Chocolate Factory will open on IMAX and 35mm simultaneously on Jul 152005.The announcement follows onthe heels of the successful release of The Polar Express on IMAX 3D. As with that title, ...

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    Evans joins Focus as senior vp of physical production


    Jane Evans has joined FocusFeatures as senior vice president of physical production, taking charge ofphysical production on all in-house projects for Focus and its genre bannerRogue Pictures as well as overseeing post production on those titles andacquisitions.Based at the company'sManhattan offices, Evans will report to Focus chief operating officer AndrewKarpen ...

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    Mayer named 2004 recipient of Jean Hersholt Award


    Turner Entertainmentpresident Roger Mayer is to receive the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award fromthe Academy of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences.Mayer will collect thehonour at the 77th Academy Awards on Feb 27."Throughout a more thanhalf-century-long career in the motion picture industry Roger has been afixture on the boards of a wide ...

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    Coach, Ladies bookend Palm Springs festival


    The 16th Annual Palm SpringsInternational Film Festival (PSIFF) will open on Jan 6 2005 with ThomasCarter's high school basketball drama Coach Carter starring Samuel L Jackson, and closes with the USpremiere of Charles Dance's feature directorial debut Ladies In Lavender, which stars Judie Dench and Maggie Smith.Jackson will receive theCareer ...

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    Ocean's 12 targets Europe, Snicket hits UK, Australia


    Ocean's Twelve gets its first big international push this weekend when WarnerBros Pictures International launches the star-clad caper sequel in a quartet ofmajor European markets.The picture went out in Franceon Dec 15 and Germany on Dec 16 followed by Italy and Spain a day later and isexpected to build strongly ...

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    China to allow more foreign films in cinemas


    China will raise the quotas on imported films from othercountries, according to a report on Chinese news agency Xinhua.In recent years, China has imported about 50 films annually,with about a half coming from the United States.Since many Chinese are unable to watch many films from othercountries, the country's Film Bureau ...

  • News

    HONG KONG Production listings - December 17


    HONG KONG - December 16PRE-PRODUCTIONINVINCIBLEARMOUR(I-AnimationLtd) Co-prods: Yuk Long Multimedia, Mandarin Films. Budget: US$2.3m. Backers:Yuk Long Multimedia, Mandarin Films, I-Animation. Int'l sales: Mandarin FilmsDistribution. Genre: Animation. Synopsis: Animated feature film (2D and 3D)based on the action-packed comic book "Magic Weapons". Exec prods: Tony Wong,Raymond Wong, Man Kung. Prod: Tony Wong. Dir: ...

  • Reviews



    Dir: Alessandro Piva. Italy. 2000. 85 mins.Prod co: Kubla Khan. Co-prod: Munbut. Domestic dist (It): Lucky Red. Int'l sales: Adriana Chiesa Enterprises, (+39 06 8070 400). Prods: Umberto Massa, Valerio Bariletti, Alessandro Piva. Dir: Alessando Piva. Scr: Andrea Piva. DoP: Gianenrico Bianchi. Prod des: Maria Teresa Padula. Eds: Thomas Woschitz, ...

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    Hong Kong sets up task force as production levels fall


    Although hopes were high atthe beginning of the year, the number of films produced in Hong Kong has fallento an all-time low of around 65 this year and many films performed belowexpectations over the summer. As a result, 20 film professionals have set up anemergency task force to find solutions ...

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    NORDIC REGION Production listings - December 17


    DENMARK - December 17IN PRE-PRODUCTIONDE 3 DUSKETERER(Wise Guy Productions Inc) Co-prod:SCanbox Entertainment. Budget: DKK 7.5m. Dist: SCanbox Entertaiment (Den).Youth comedy. Exec prods: Jorgen Kristiansen, Mads Peter Ole Olsen. Prod(s):Thomas Stegler, Marcella Lindstad. Dir: Martin Schmidt. Scr: Dennis Jurgensen.Shooting from May 15 until July 7, 2005.Contact: Marcella Lindstad, Wise Guy Productions, ...

  • News

    Cultural minorities split the Nordic markets


    While minorities have longbeen a part of the daily lives in the Nordic region, they have had a hard timemaking an impression on the big screen.It is hardly surprising thatSweden has been the most open to filmmakers with foreign background, but nowNorway is catching up leaving Denmark as the most ...